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bamboobay 2014-06-18 20:39

Use Jolla Phone with Funambol (syncML) and sync contacts, todos and calendars
I used n900 and N9. It was posible to sync contacts todo's and calendars with own funambol server over syncevolution.
It was great!

Currently I use an android device and there is no way to sync todos is not posible because there are no standard api to do this. The lot of todo apps don't support funambol (only google) but I found the way to sync contacts and addressbook with funambol.

My question is Jolla supports fully SyncML for calendar, address book and todos? I must get sure before I buy this device.

On my Linux PC I use Akonadi with Kontakt and use syncevolution to push two-way sync to my funambol server.

Thanks for the answers.

Image Verification is terrible on this forum.... :(

bamboobay 2014-07-22 06:42

Re: Use Jolla Phone with Funambol (syncML) and sync contacts, todos and calendars
Nobody has an idea?

Jordi 2014-07-25 15:41

Re: Use Jolla Phone with Funambol (syncML) and sync contacts, todos and calendars
You can ask your question directly at

Check this for example:

Fuzzillogic 2014-07-26 00:06

Re: Use Jolla Phone with Funambol (syncML) and sync contacts, todos and calendars
Two-way-sync with SyncML with contacts and calendar works, using the built-in Buteo framework, which is the same as the N9 has. You'll need to do some manual config file hacking, as is pointed out in Jordi's link. I don't know about Funambol, as I use memotoo.

Jeffrey04 2014-07-26 03:09

Re: Use Jolla Phone with Funambol (syncML) and sync contacts, todos and calendars
have you tried this?

bamboobay 2014-10-23 14:18

Re: Use Jolla Phone with Funambol (syncML) and sync contacts, todos and calendars

Originally Posted by Fuzzillogic (Post 1433921)
Two-way-sync with SyncML with contacts and calendar works, using the built-in Buteo framework, which is the same as the N9 has. You'll need to do some manual config file hacking, as is pointed out in Jordi's link. I don't know about Funambol, as I use memotoo.

You sync also todo's? How it looks like? Could you make a screenshot?

bamboobay 2014-10-24 11:09

Re: Use Jolla Phone with Funambol (syncML) and sync contacts, todos and calendars

Originally Posted by Fuzzillogic (Post 1433921)
Two-way-sync with SyncML with contacts and calendar works, using the built-in Buteo framework, which is the same as the N9 has. You'll need to do some manual config file hacking, as is pointed out in Jordi's link. I don't know about Funambol, as I use memotoo.

Memotoo should be the same (hosted solution).
Can you sync todo's lists? If yes with which app?

bamboobay 2014-10-24 11:11

Re: Use Jolla Phone with Funambol (syncML) and sync contacts, todos and calendars

Originally Posted by Fuzzillogic (Post 1433921)
Two-way-sync with SyncML with contacts and calendar works, using the built-in Buteo framework, which is the same as the N9 has. You'll need to do some manual config file hacking, as is pointed out in Jordi's link. I don't know about Funambol, as I use memotoo.

Memotoo should be the same (hosted solution).
Can you sync todo's lists? If yes with which app?

I know syncevolution gui - its just a gui for syncevolution console solution.

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