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Forgot Security Code N810
I have since two years a Nokia N810. I bought it on ebay. Now, i have a problem. I locked the device yesterday evening, today morning it ask me about security code. I dont have it and the seller on ebay don't remember it anymore. The Standard Nokia Code '12345' dont work. What can i do? On my device are stored some important contacts. If i flash, i will lost all my data and files. Is there an option to calculate an 'mastercode' or something like this?
If there is no chance to restore the code, which is the correct *.bin file for reflashing my device? I have the RX-44 I found some files here in forum, but which should i use? Latest Version or v51.3? http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=25002 |
Re: Forgot Security Code N810
Best sugges. is use your 44
you could try figuring out the code... I know what you're thinkin :D There MUST be a password cracker on the web or somewhere that can force it open... I'm sure there is... some highly dubious program I wouldn't trust. I forgot my password once back in the day..:D Not worth the stress...really. .try to remem. it a couple times but don't stress it ....it happens...forget this or that...(in future ALWAYS have hard copy ..little black book of security passwords) so if your brain can't remem... don't get too upset easiest ...less hassle free method is just reflash from standard original last diablo ...I suggest then cloning to an sdcard and installing cssu and diablo turbo on the card...it'll increase performance, device life, as well as increase the number of programs you can install and stuff you can have in storage. At the least...... otherwise you lose alot of fixes and optimizations and your device takes the hit too....not to mention you can back up everything onto a comp so you never ever ever lose anything again...and you can have your pristine install contain all imp. docs. and contacts....and security your clone on sd... ....your cake and eat it too. |
Re: Forgot Security Code N810
Edit: wrong URL
If you have ssh access: http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=32217 Don't know if this is real, but it won't work if you have ASUI since * and # can't be entered: http://resetnokia.com/nokia-n810-reset-code/ |
Re: Forgot Security Code N810
Hey there's an idea...
never tried that before....course I couldn't use it anyway since I have asui But if you never installed it ....it may work. Good luck man |
Re: Forgot Security Code N810
I think the secure button is disabled by default in ASUI and the settings page to enable it has a warning message about knowing the code.
Re: Forgot Security Code N810
Thank you all for your answers.
Yesterday evening i tried some codes again. The seller wrote me some possible numbers. And now, thats strange: I tried '12345' again and my N810 accept it. Why? Why it don't accept yesterday morning? I don't understand. :confused:I tried in the morning '12345' more than one time. @endsormeans, can you tell me more about CSSU on N810? Is this the same like on N900? What i have to do? |
Re: Forgot Security Code N810
which ones if any have you used.... if you have never used the n810 before...you will find it delightful...especially if you can pick a few up cheap enough...it makes the worry about bricking one .....less of a concern... I've been using my n800's and n810's since they came out ...back in the day...never ever bricked one or screwed it up to the point of it being not salvageable ... Best suggestion is...do it right and you may not even have to reflash along the way....but it is good practice to flash and reflash...you can get your os back up and running lickety split....you will eventually want to mess around with it and put cool stuff on it. Beware of the few neato things that states it could brick your device if you do not follow directions explicitly . Other than that...it's all way cool stuff. Easiest method I do is here.....you'll get a ton more out of your device...when you feel more adventurous ...try penguinbait's console tools v1 I refer to....and put everything cloned on an sd card....it is more specific for the n810 though...my directions there are n800 specific for a few things....penguinbait did a version for the n810 clone to sd ...console tools...other people have posted methods as well...keep in mind ....read all posts on whatever specific method to get a feel for the benefit problems or downright difficulties with each method. Beware of the hazards of cloning to the internal 2gb on your n810...I advise against it. I think this post here http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=92502 will help you understand most of the process you can use it all I think..just read what penguinbait has to say in the link I posted here to my instructions which then inevitably point to penguinbait's console tools v1...if you go to clone make sure you do everything for the n810 specific in mind and pay attention to those specific instructions. I did another few posts elsewhere to try to bring together the best easiest methods for a new person to quickly get up and running in a very simple exact step by step .format ..It's floating around in the n810 n800 or os2008 subforums along with a few other how to's I did. Read read read... as much as you can.. then if you think you got it.... read some more... then if you think you don't get it ......:D shout out... I and/ or others are happy to help. |
Re: Forgot Security Code N810
Thank you EorM for your quick answer. I will look on it. I think this all need not only 'reading, reading and reading again', it need time and peace too. Its good to have time to make this. Therefore, i will see what i can do in the next weeks.
My first Nxx0 was the N900, i reflash it only one time. The N810 i got it later. Yes, i love linux and therefore i decide to bought my N900 after N95. This one of the best decission. ;) Now, normaly i use my Jolla (I love it), but i let it drop down to floor. :mad: I'm really angry about myself!, the touch is completly cracked. I think, i will let it repair in future, it cost something like 220€ at this moment. Jolla wrote, it will be cheaper in future. Other question, can i use Mini-SD Cards with more than 8Gb, e.g. 16Gb or 32Gb? Is it possible? |
Re: Forgot Security Code N810
Well dude,
thanks :D if you know the n900 you will find the n810 delightful then...kinda like a mug of hot chocolate on a winter day delightful :D...you don't need to be worried about the charge port coming loose....the screen size appears huge in compare and you have way bigger buttons on the n810 time? welll it aint that bad....flashing will take less than 5 min...all told... ..cssu no time to install....diablo-turbo (normal onboard system install that is)...asui ...same.....diablo turbo ...at most..1/2 hour if you drag your feet (:D) ...however ...cloning to sd and doing all the above...considering you are a n900 vet.....a couple hours....an afternoon tops.....adding your repos and installing all your cool stuff afterward is another matter. Another afternoon tops of farting around :D Jeez - Louise ! Crap man....to fix your new Jolla?...that is bloody well the price of a Ipone ! It's the price of a replacement kidney on the blackmarket!....ok maybe not a kidney...perhaps a pancreas. still ...that is really gouging. Drop your n810...whatever IT hits needs fixing...hehe... If it breaks there are plenty around under 35 Euros Um...get one of those....(or a bunch...even)... mini sd card adapters for micro sd cards...best and cheapest (here anyway) is...works well everytime for me...but never had any probs with other cards... Adata...or generics...class 4 (faster is great and all for some things but the class 4 is more stable..I'm sure you will read about that) 32gb is what I'd go for for the n810. ....hell it'll seem real familiar in alot of ways....and much easier for you to understand....considering you are a vet and aren't a new person to maemo... You'll have fun |
Re: Forgot Security Code N810
You should use the excellent search utility here on maemo.org, as this subject comes up periodically. For instance: http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php...rity+code+n810 |
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