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Relegation from Extras
May I make a modest proposal. There are a number of apps currently in Extras which, due to changes in the APIs of the service they are designed to access, no longer work properly. The most obvious class of these is the plethora of Twitter apps from before the move to the 1.1 API. As this software wouldn't actually get into Extras now it should in my opinion be relegated to -devel. That way, people could still get at it and if need be update/fork it to get it back up and running, but people who trust the Extras QA process won't download it and get their faith shaken.
If people broadly agree with the principle, a process can be decided. Thoughts? |
Re: Relegation from Extras
This has been done before (see below and IRC logs for #maemo-meeting) and can be done manually by the techstaff. You will need to prove that the application is faulty I.E (do a full bug report/full QA report) see example of a report I did for two packages. http://talk.maemo.org/showpost.php?p...postcount=3325 also see link to the extras-testing QA page http://wiki.maemo.org/Extras-testing/QA_Checklist Also you need to try and contact the maintainer to ask if it will be repaired. Maybe you could start a wiki page to collate a list (similar to my Extras-Testing DARP page) http://wiki.maemo.org/Extras-testing/Darp or even better you could even add it to my broken packages page http://wiki.maemo.org/Community_SSU/...roken_packages The latter needed tidying up TBH. Either way it is something that the Council must decide to action, so I would bring it up at the CC meeting on a Tuesday. This first of terms Council meeting maybe busy with handover stuff BTW. |
Re: Relegation from Extras
I broadly agree with the principle and suggest to extend it to other apps that don't work not only because of the API change, but just simply don't work. For example, none of the card games ever worked for me, even when I was on stock OS.
Re: Relegation from Extras
Also bear in mind of testing other versions of the package.
If say a version is in Devel or Testing and working it would be better to QA and promote that and push an update to everyone. |
Re: Relegation from Extras
Just as long as it is documented somewhere, be it broken apps page or a specific broken api section, with reasoning behind it. Maybe even any additional information where known about what the change was so anyone looking to pick up the project has an idea of where to start looking.
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