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blizzardno 2014-08-04 10:47

Nokia N9 BootLoop.
Hello. I have problem with my N9. Someday she just died i was thinking it was a Battery Drain, but thats not that, so i was trying to flash new Firmware by Flasher 3.12.1 and Phoenix, and these programs shows info like "flashing successful, but when i was rebooting it was still keepeing on Nokia Logo, or first boot after flash it was showing me "Check Your settings" like change Time, Date etc etc, but there Screen wasnt working, ive been clicking anywhere and she dont get any move, about 20 sec later she was restarting again and she stops at Nokia Logo, On R&D mode shes working, but a few things dont work, and screentouch dosnt work always, but she starting, when i will off R D mode again same thing. I was just changing in terminal PreDiv from 67% to 100% (this is volume) I didnt install anything, only music. Any1 Can help me ? ? ? Nokia N9 Black 16GB product code - 059L7Z9.

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