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ekze 2014-09-08 15:33

n9 wifi hotspot starts by itself
After system settings reset Wifi Hotspot sometimes starts by itself but it doesnt show as running in the hotspot app, also it goes by the old ssid. It seems to be some conflict with the settings. Maybe anyone can advice where I can locate the config file for it and maybe look for something useful there? Didn't find a similar problem on the forum.

I understand reflashing would solve this, but I don't want to do it just yet.

ekze 2014-09-08 19:54

Re: n9 wifi hotspot starts by itself
I found some kind of a pattern. Whenever wifi signal is lost, this network gets created. The only way to remove it is to connect to any wifi network and disconnect manually.

ekze 2015-03-11 05:26

Re: n9 wifi hotspot starts by itself
Dunno if anyone ever encounters this problem. I just wanted to point out that I haven't found the reason why it happened. Solved by complete reflash.

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