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m4r0v3r 2014-10-04 22:19

LIBS .pro file section
So am on windows 8, with the latest Sailfish SDK trying to port presenceVNC to Sailfish and QT5, everything finally all compiles, but I get these errors after the classes compile for the library libvnc.

The first error is an issue with the jpeg dependency:

"/opt/cross/bin/i486-meego-linux-gnu-ld: cannot find -ljpeg"

So removing that the next error is


linking presencevnc
../presencevnc-0.8/tmp/vncclientthread.o: In function `KeyClientEvent::fire(_rfbClient*)':
vncclientthread.cpp:(.text+0x7b): undefined reference to `SendKeyEvent'
../presencevnc-0.8/tmp/vncclientthread.o: In function `PointerClientEvent::fire(_rfbClient*)':
vncclientthread.cpp:(.text+0xc1): undefined reference to `SendPointerEvent'
../presencevnc-0.8/tmp/vncclientthread.o: In function `VncClientThread::newclient(_rfbClient*)':
vncclientthread.cpp:(.text+0xf3): undefined reference to `rfbClientGetClientData'
vncclientthread.cpp:(.text+0x1b9): undefined reference to `SetFormatAndEncodings'
../presencevnc-0.8/tmp/vncclientthread.o: In function `ClientCutEvent::fire(_rfbClient*)':
vncclientthread.cpp:(.text+0x313): undefined reference to `SendClientCutText'
../presencevnc-0.8/tmp/vncclientthread.o: In function `VncClientThread::run()':
vncclientthread.cpp:(.text+0xbe9): undefined reference to `rfbClientLog'
vncclientthread.cpp:(.text+0xbf1): undefined reference to `rfbClientErr'
vncclientthread.cpp:(.text+0xc0f): undefined reference to `rfbGetClient'
vncclientthread.cpp:(.text+0xc60): undefined reference to `rfbClientSetClientData'
vncclientthread.cpp:(.text+0xddc): undefined reference to `rfbInitClient'
vncclientthread.cpp:(.text+0xe3a): undefined reference to `WaitForMessage'
vncclientthread.cpp:(.text+0xe5c): undefined reference to `rfbClientCleanup'
vncclientthread.cpp:(.text+0xfd2): undefined reference to `HandleRFBServerMessage'
../presencevnc-0.8/tmp/vncclientthread.o: In function `VncClientThread::passwdHandler(_rfbClient*)':
vncclientthread.cpp:(.text+0x1ea7): undefined reference to `rfbClientGetClientData'
../presencevnc-0.8/tmp/vncclientthread.o: In function `VncClientThread::cuttext(_rfbClient*, char const*, int)':
vncclientthread.cpp:(.text+0x226e): undefined reference to `rfbClientGetClientData'
../presencevnc-0.8/tmp/vncclientthread.o: In function `VncClientThread::updatefb(_rfbClient*, int, int, int, int)':
vncclientthread.cpp:(.text+0x2a75): undefined reference to `rfbClientGetClientData'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [presencevnc] Error 1
23:07:22: The process "C:\SailfishOS\settings\SailfishAlpha4\mer-sdk-tools\MerSDK\SailfishOS-i486\make.cmd" exited with code 2.
Error while building/deploying project vnc (kit: MerSDK-SailfishOS-i486)
When executing step 'Make'
23:07:22: Elapsed time: 00:04.
I have a feeling that when linking the libvnc library, the LIBS += section is incorrect, this is what I have in there so far

LIBS += -lz -Llibvnc/libvncclient/.libs -llibvnc/libvncclient/.libs/libvncclient.a

but the libvncclient.a doesn't exist.

Do I actually have to do something to statically link libvnc?

freemangordon 2014-10-04 22:42

Re: LIBS .pro file section
I think your LIBS should be:

LIBS += -lz -Llibvnc/libvncclient/.libs -lvncclient

m4r0v3r 2014-10-04 22:48

Re: LIBS .pro file section
I tried that before, I get a


/opt/cross/bin/i486-meego-linux-gnu-ld: cannot find -lvncclient
Am currently looking at statically linking the library, but fumbling hard since the whole thing builds via script

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