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usr 2014-11-13 20:45

GnuPG plugin for Pidgin
Please port Pidgin GnuPG plugin for private communication on N900.

usr 2014-11-14 00:24

Re: GnuPG plugin for Pidgin
bump for Active Topics field

usr 2014-11-14 18:18

Re: GnuPG plugin for Pidgin
bump because it's important

nieldk 2014-11-14 19:56

Re: GnuPG plugin for Pidgin
There is no secure messenger

usr 2014-11-14 20:10

Re: GnuPG plugin for Pidgin

Originally Posted by nieldk (Post 1447106)
There is no secure messenger

With GnuPG encryption Pidgin will be secure.

nieldk 2014-11-14 20:22

Re: GnuPG plugin for Pidgin
From who? NSA? Definitely, no ;:

usr 2014-11-14 21:21

Re: GnuPG plugin for Pidgin

Originally Posted by nieldk (Post 1447115)
From who? NSA? Definitely, no ;:

If I want to tell PIN of my payment card to my girlfriend via public Wi-Fi better to do it with encryption on device.

So no one want to port it?

pichlo 2014-11-14 21:38

Re: GnuPG plugin for Pidgin

Originally Posted by usr (Post 1447125)
If I want to tell PIN of my payment card to my girlfriend via public Wi-Fi better to do it

...through two or more different communication channels.

Email: "Hello dear, I am sending you my PIN. Check your SMS".
SMS: "12 (check your IM for the rest)"
IM: "34"

usr 2014-11-14 22:09

The truly open smartphone that cares about your privacy.

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1447130)
...through two or more different communication channels.

Email: "Hello dear, I am sending you my PIN. Check your SMS".
SMS: "12 (check your IM for the rest)"
IM: "34"

Very funny
I see your maemo talk forum sign:
Do you want Neo900 but cannot pre-order because you live in an unsupported country? Perhaps I can help.

Neo900 slogan is
The truly open smartphone
that cares about your privacy.

What kind of privacy you can talk if your answer to my suggestion is
"I don't need secure communication I need to eat sh*t"

sorry for my english
it's not my native

nieldk 2014-11-15 08:24

Re: GnuPG plugin for Pidgin
If all You need is to give your girlfriend your PIN, go visit her, after all she will need your card as well ;)
Btw, does your girlfriends phone support it also, this is probably a reason why you get few responses, Best guess is most ppl here who develop, don't use IM.
There are alternatives around, don't expect ppl will just start coding just for you.
There is far more serious development going on here, to keep the N900 going. iM is not the number one priority, sorry

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