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andil 2014-11-14 07:31

Help n900 screen goes black (blank) but working

I just have some problems with my n900. Basically the screen goes black after 10secs but the touchscreen is still working and I have to lock-unlock to use the phone.

How can I fix this?
Is it the battery?
or the phone?
or an app?
(phone went black...)
the phone is oc but I never flashed it yet in 3 years since I have it.

peterleinchen 2014-11-14 07:54

Re: Help n900 screen goes black (blank) but working
what about system settings / display?

sixwheeledbeast 2014-11-14 08:08

Re: Help n900 screen goes black (blank) but working
Yep I'd say Display Settings.
Backlight timeout and Lock screen automatically.

andil 2014-11-14 10:14

Re: Help n900 screen goes black (blank) but working
i tried that but its go off too quickly like after 3 sec I type/touch the screen. I even installed that blank applet fron the app manager.

andil 2014-11-16 12:25

Re: Help n900 screen goes black (blank) but working
now its not working at all!

-when I turn on the led goes white, no vibration but the keyboard is lit
-the touchscreen is working as I can hear the touchscreen sound
-I tried change batteries and led goes yellow (error pattern)

please tell me what should do? open it and check the cables?

pichlo 2014-11-16 13:29

Re: Help n900 screen goes black (blank) but working
Open and check the cables or magnets. Screen settings does not sound too plausible anyway as blanking woulf also turn off the touch sensor. So you situation - touch working but screen not - suggests a hardware fault. Especially if it used to work but suddenly stopped.

andil 2014-11-16 13:36

Re: Help n900 screen goes black (blank) but working
Thanks pichlo, I will open it and update there any way that I can see what inside the phone in this condition? or at least backup if the worst happen... :S

andil 2014-11-18 00:17

Re: Help n900 screen goes black (blank) but working
I opened it, I cant see any faults. How can I backup the stuff or transfer? should I flash it?

andil 2014-11-21 22:04

Re: Help n900 screen goes black (blank) but working
i dissambled completely... what should I do, its still not working and its already out of warranty.

I try tv out with the cable and it didnt worked, I could not see anything

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