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Flynx 2014-11-14 14:50

Cell Tower Trust System... ?
There are more stories in the news today about people imitating cell phone towers in order to gather data.

Sometimes I travel and then who knows what tower I'm on. But usually I'm at home, at work, or at my girlfriend's house.

It would be nice if I could switch on a feature that would only let my device connect to previously approved towers.

I know my n900 can display cell tower information. Is there some way to use software to affect which towers it does or doesn't connect to?

That could then be expanded to a cloud (like Waze) where other users submit their trusted towers. Might not be 100% accurate but at least it's something.

peterleinchen 2014-11-14 19:34

Re: Cell Tower Trust System... ?
Question for Neo900, too ...

rob_kouw 2014-11-14 19:49

Re: Cell Tower Trust System... ?
What about the information the aGPS system uses? Or would untrusted cells be registered in that database as well?

nieldk 2014-11-14 20:26

Re: Cell Tower Trust System... ?
I suggest you read the neo900 thread. Yes, this is possible. And it may just get implemented in neo900 (which I can't afford to participate in, sadly)

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