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drbaablo 2014-11-18 20:27

[Request/Bounty] Freicoin mobile wallet
***** EDIT 21.12: Bounty has been claimed :) *****

Greetings all fellow Jolla users and Maemo forum folks! I hope this is the correct section to post this bounty at :) I posted this in the Jolla forums already, but since theres been very few contacts via there, I'll hit this up in here as well ^^

I've been a supporter of Jolla since the beginning and ordered my Jolla phone in the pre-orders :) I really respect the open source and community oriented development environment the company has chosen to go with. As I've been a believer of this kind of "contributionism" idea and have been involved in movements or projects with similar idea behind them, I'd like to promote this request/bounty here :)

Freicoin is a cryptocurrency like Bitcoin, but with several fundamental changes in the mechanics and distribution of the currency, and also with idea kind of promoting community projects and open source :) More info on Freicoin and idea behind it can be found from their website:

Even though Freicoin is one of the oldest "altcoins", there still is no mobile wallet for it. There's been a growing need for one, so some of the Freicoin community has set up an bounty for contributing to its development a while ago :)

So! The bounty is for developing a working Freicoin mobile wallet for Android to start with.
Freicoin project at github:

"Bounty can be claimed for a fully working wallet for android / ios, released open source and provide binaries for those who do not know anything about compiling code. It needs to be a fully working product that everyone can use and it needs to be stable. Think user friendly, not something that just you as a developer understands.

Some examples on type of wallets we have in mind to get implented on freicoin, but not limited to:

***** EDIT 21.12: Bounty has been claimed :) *****
*edited 21.12 also: FRC amount from 80k -> 100k
Total Bounty : 1 BTC & 100 000 FRC"

The original/official bounty thread at Freicoin Alliance forums:

I'm one of the contributors to the bounty, so if you have questions or comments, you can shoot them in here :) Or obviously, you're more than welcome to participate in the Freicoin Alliance forums ^^

***** EDIT 21.12:
The links to the wallet projects in github:

Discussion and testing notes about the wallet, and proof of payment, in the bounty thread:

drbaablo 2014-11-28 05:12

Re: [Request/Bounty] Freicoin mobile wallet
A little bump and update: we can also pay this out in Euros or Dollars, via bank transfer or PayPal. Currently the value of the bounty is +400€ / +500$ :)

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