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shmerl 2014-12-21 19:33

On openness of hardware adaptations for Jolla devices
@Stskeeps recently made a post about issues with openness of hardware apatations:

Any thoughts? I asked to clarify some details for the tablet. For instance, which open drivers are missing exactly and how exactly are open GPU drivers not performing enough?

Dave999 2014-12-21 20:14

Re: On openness of hardware adaptations for Jolla devices
You and your openness... :D

I think it was a very itntressting post compared with the other ones in da blog and I hope stskeeps(or some else) gives insight and reports from the inside on a regular basis.

When it comes drivers and openness it's always a mess. No matter what you do you hit some wall. So let's wait and see.

Waiting for next post in jPad story.

Copernicus 2014-12-21 20:15

Re: On openness of hardware adaptations for Jolla devices

Originally Posted by shmerl (Post 1453278)
For instance, which open drivers are missing exactly and how exactly are open GPU drivers not performing enough?

Personally, I'm fine with using closed drivers for every piece of hardware, so long as the user is not prevented from installing open drivers on the hardware they've purchased. After all, it doesn't really matter which driver performs better if you're allowed to install whichever one you prefer. :)

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