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pistachio 2015-01-01 16:47

Need help with locked Iphone.
I know this is maemo/meego forum, but I am having a trouble with my iphone and I hope someone from our community might have encountered problem like this, so posting it here.

I bought a second hand iPhone 4 from, a site in india where u buy/sell old goods, so i met the guy and bought it for my cousin. I was totally unaware of iOS, so I didnt know that I have to ask the guy to remove his apple id. Now later my cousin set up pin lock(or pattern lock) and forgot it.
She gave it to some local shop to unlock pin, and that guy tried to restore it with itunes and it got updated to iOS 7. So now whenever I try to boot it, it asks for apple id of previous owner. I dont have any contacts of that guy anymore. So in a way the phone is a toy. Local repair shops cant repair it. Apple service center said no too, coz I dont have original bill as this product was imported by that seller's relative from foreign.

So anyone have any way to unlock it, it will be such a relief. Or anyone can hack icloud and remove this phone from the list like those celeb's pics got published, it's well and good. :D

tmi 2015-01-01 21:34

Re: Need help with locked Iphone.
As far as I know, without contacting the previous owner or having the original bill to show to Apple the chances of getting it open are slim.

I have no idea if the service mentioned here does work or not.
Worse yet, in their site the cost is now almost $160.

Good luck!

Kangal 2015-01-02 03:20

Re: Need help with locked Iphone.
The phone is a brick.

Unless you can get that guy to remove it, there's less than 1% recovery chance.

Apple themselves won't unlock it for you. In fact, they've received court orders from the FBI and still denied them access.

There is that slim chance someone talented out there could boot something into the device before it starts up iOS and perhaps get it to load something like JailbrokenOS...but I wouldn't hold my breath.

m4r0v3r 2015-01-02 04:09

Re: Need help with locked Iphone.
iphone 4 icloud locks can be bypassed. just google it.

pistachio 2015-01-02 05:59

Re: Need help with locked Iphone.
Thank you everyone, especially @tmi .I have found few steps on the link you gave.

@kangal there is no way I can contact that guy. His number is dead and the apple id says i***** So infinite probability of finding that email id.

and yes @m4r0v3r i will try searching about it, thats the only thing left to do except the legal ways. Thanks.

pistachio 2015-01-02 06:04

Re: Need help with locked Iphone.
and the irony is in 149$ I can buy a iphone 4 again with better condition. :)

robthebold 2015-01-05 20:16

If you give up on it, I've seen on eBay in the US those sell for 50 USD 'As is, for parts'. So even bricked, it's worth something to someone.

MINKIN2 2015-01-05 22:15

Re: Need help with locked Iphone.

Originally Posted by robthebold (Post 1455427)
If you give up on it, I've seen on eBay in the US those sell for 50 USD 'As is, for parts'. So even bricked, it's worth something to someone.

I can only echo the others here, I have known folks who have bought 2nd hand I phones only to have the seller contact the carrier and report it stolen. Once it's locked by the carrier, it remains a brick.

Buy a good torx set and sell the parts as rob said. Get your money back that way.

SHARP66 2015-01-05 22:39

Re: Need help with locked Iphone.

Originally Posted by pistachio (Post 1454676)
I know this is maemo/meego forum, but I am having a trouble with my iphone and I hope someone from our community might have encountered problem like this, so posting it here.

I bought a second hand iPhone 4 from, a site in india where u buy/sell old goods, so i met the guy and bought it for my cousin. I was totally unaware of iOS, so I didnt know that I have to ask the guy to remove his apple id. Now later my cousin set up pin lock(or pattern lock) and forgot it.
She gave it to some local shop to unlock pin, and that guy tried to restore it with itunes and it got updated to iOS 7. So now whenever I try to boot it, it asks for apple id of previous owner. I dont have any contacts of that guy anymore. So in a way the phone is a toy. Local repair shops cant repair it. Apple service center said no too, coz I dont have original bill as this product was imported by that seller's relative from foreign.

So anyone have any way to unlock it, it will be such a relief. Or anyone can hack icloud and remove this phone from the list like those celeb's pics got published, it's well and good. :D

one thing that can i say .....u ....maybe considering.....u can moove in the west.

pistachio 2015-01-06 11:42

Re: Need help with locked Iphone.

Originally Posted by robthebold (Post 1455427)
If you give up on it, I've seen on eBay in the US those sell for 50 USD 'As is, for parts'. So even bricked, it's worth something to someone.

Yes, a good point. But I've paid like 160 USD (but in indian rupees), and right now I'm not in condition to lose around 110 usd. Instead I will try some hacking with it as suggested in posts above after my exams. If that doesn't work, I'll surely go for the parts selling. Thanks.

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