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Ast007 2015-01-07 21:20

Transferring to a different N900 version.
Hi Guys,

I have 2 Nokia N900s, one has stable installed and the other thumb. Reading up that thumb works better with the device, it being faster and so forth.

My stable is my main phone atm. How can I, easily move/xfer to thumb, whilst keeping my appz and everything intact.

I can install one app at a time, but is there a quick process?

2nd device idles at 250mhz, I've read 125mhz is better. How do I move to that, if I have to wipe phone.

Thanks for reading.


Mara 2015-01-07 21:37

Re: Transferring to a different N900 version.
It is easy: Just follow this link first post instructions "How to install":

All your installed applications will stay just like they were before the upgrade.

Ast007 2015-01-07 22:02

Re: Transferring to a different N900 version.
So all my desktops, widgetz, contacts stay intact.

Would you recommend going from CSSU Stable to CSSU Thumb?

Mara 2015-01-07 23:16

Re: Transferring to a different N900 version.
In my case when I did mine all my widgets, contacts etc. remained the same.

I was previously using CSSU-testing before upgrading to CSSU-thumb.You said you have two N900's and one of them has CSSU-thumb, so you should know what to expect? :confused:

Ast007 2015-01-07 23:42

Re: Transferring to a different N900 version.
Ive only read that thumb is better than stable. I don't use my thumb one at all. its just sit there as a back up / 2nd line.

bingomion 2015-01-08 10:23

Re: Transferring to a different N900 version.
I've installed a custom kernel, but never CSSU on my N900.. never saw the point of it

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