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marmistrz 2015-01-13 17:04

[M5+6] How to encouarge developers to create quality software for Maemo/MeeGo
We all know Maemo lacks some quality software [1]
Harmattan has even a much bigger problem. There is a lot of missing software out there.

We have Nokia Store no more.
Share your opinions how to make developers want to write from Fremantle/Harmattan.

Use this for adding new ideas and this thread for discussion

As for me - the best option would be to community-found the development of crucial projects (such as up to date office suite or browser engine update). OpenRepos support for paid apps might be another solution, but rather for smaller projects.


klinglerware 2015-01-13 18:34

Re: [M5+6] How to encouarge developers to create quality software for Maemo/MeeGo
Another thought - some sort of organized bounty system, administered by the community?

marmistrz 2015-01-13 19:03

Re: [M5+6] How to encouarge developers to create quality software for Maemo/MeeGo
@Copernicus: there's a big problem here: the fees would have to be extremely big because PayPal is really greedy when it comes to their own fees. Or is there any better alternative for paying for the activation codes?

@klinglerware: Yeah, it's similar to what I thought about. And I'm all for this option, as it gives us FOSS and gives the developers their money.

@rzr: you mean we should pay some software companies?

Copernicus 2015-01-13 19:35

Re: [M5+6] How to encouarge developers to create quality software for Maemo/MeeGo

Originally Posted by marmistrz (Post 1456435)
@Copernicus: there's a big problem here: the fees would have to be extremely big because PayPal is really greedy when it comes to their own fees. Or is there any better alternative for paying for the activation codes?

Actually, so far as I understand, PayPal takes much less of a cut than the app stores do. (Apple's App Store takes 30% right off the top, plus $100 per year fee to register. Google Play takes the same 30%, but at least has just a one-time $25 registration fee.)

marmistrz 2015-01-13 19:47

Re: [M5+6] How to encouarge developers to create quality software for Maemo/MeeGo

Originally Posted by Copernicus (Post 1456440)
Actually, so far as I understand, PayPal takes much less of a cut than the app stores do. (Apple's App Store takes 30% right off the top, plus $100 per year fee to register. Google Play takes the same 30%, but at least has just a one-time $25 registration fee.)

Yes, but let's take a 2.00 [EUR] app. The user pays 2.00. PayPal takes 0.35 + 0.034 * 2 = 0.42, so 21%

Let's take a 1.00 [EUR] app. This becomes 0.38, so 38%
So for cheap apps it's more than in the other stores

Copernicus 2015-01-13 20:09

Re: [M5+6] How to encouarge developers to create quality software for Maemo/MeeGo

Originally Posted by marmistrz (Post 1456442)
So for cheap apps it's more than in the other stores

I believe PayPal has been playing around with a "micropayments" system as well; I don't recall what you need to do to sign up for it, but it drives the per-sale fee back down a bit.

(It seems to be a 5% plus 5 cents kind of deal (US cents), versus the standard lower-percentage + higher-fixed-price deal.)

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