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coderus 2015-02-24 17:44

[Support thread] Android notifications
Application for adding sound (IM category), LED and icon on lockscreen for android notifications


Debug info i need:

profileclient -g android.notification.tone
#install profileclient, if not installed: pkcon install profileclient
dconf dump /apps/android-notifications/
systemctl --user stop android-notifications

and then wait for some notification not working for you, after appearing notification copy terminal output to your post.

andreas1 2015-02-24 17:56

Re: [Support thread] Android notifications
This is super. Thank you Coderus for the patch. OMFG I've waited for this :)

deiv 2015-02-24 18:07

Re: [Support thread] Android notifications
you are a genius ! jolla OY must hire you right now !!!

TMavica 2015-02-24 18:52

Re: [Support thread] Android notifications
If hire him, no more patch and hack
so dont

andreas1 2015-02-24 19:59

Re: [Support thread] Android notifications
it would seem that when updating an andro app like from some store, the notification sound plays all the time. can this be prevented since it doesnt feel normal?

ejjoman 2015-02-24 20:13

Re: [Support thread] Android notifications
Thanks coderus :)

Yeah, installed an app from Google Play and this triggered notification a thousand times :D

ejjoman 2015-02-25 06:59

Re: [Support thread] Android notifications
Thank you for the update, but just to let you know: The update did not solve the multiple notifications for me... Anything I can do to help you (logs, ...)?

coderus 2015-02-25 07:06

Re: [Support thread] Android notifications

Originally Posted by TMavica (Post 1461920)
If hire him, no more patch and hack
so dont

Thank you man, you're best!


Originally Posted by andreas1 (Post 1461927)
it would seem that when updating an andro app like from some store, the notification sound plays all the time. can this be prevented since it doesnt feel normal?

Partially fixed in v0.2.2


Originally Posted by ejjoman (Post 1461968)
Thank you for the update, but just to let you know: The update did not solve the multiple notifications for me... Anything I can do to help you (logs, ...)?

Better explain your situation

TMavica 2015-02-25 08:14

Re: [Support thread] Android notifications
LOL. Joking.

ejjoman 2015-02-25 08:22

Re: [Support thread] Android notifications

Originally Posted by coderus (Post 1461969)
Better explain your situation

See my post above - I had the same issue as andreas1.
0.2.0 didn't fix this, but now with 0.2.2 it is much better.

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