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RobbieOPC 2015-03-05 20:47

Touch on N9
Today touch on my N9 stopped working. I can turn it on and display is ok, I can see everything but I cant insert security key. Is that hardware problem of touch or? :confused::confused::confused:

drathvader 2015-03-05 20:52

Re: Touch on N9
It might be a hardware problem. One time I've cracked my N9's screen and after I replaced it the touch input wasn't working. Turned out that the light sensor - of all things - was faulty. Perhaps it's the same for you.

RobbieOPC 2015-03-06 19:36

Re: Touch on N9
Thanks bro, I'll try to change my light sensor. It is the cheapest solution >.<

willwf 2016-02-08 13:00

Re: Touch on N9
of all things - was faulty. Perhaps it's the same for you.


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