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elastic 2015-03-28 18:37

Low volume on calls
is there any tweak to increase the volume for phone calls - I can hardly hear the caller - its fine when I use the speaker but its not very privat ;-)

coderus 2015-03-28 18:40

Re: Low volume on calls
I'm very sorry, but did you tried to clean it with single drop of alcohol and compressed air stream?

elastic 2015-03-28 19:07

Re: Low volume on calls
I never used it for calling before yesterday nor was it ever outside my home before ;-) so its clean like on the first day...

elastic 2015-03-28 19:09

Re: Low volume on calls
ok did a reset - now the volume is higher but still lower than on the n9 ...

anidel 2016-10-13 07:42

Re: Low volume on calls
Hi there, got a Jolla C I was now trying to use as a phone, but the volume during the calls is amazingly low.

Any hints?

Tried a few solutions from, namely trying to increase the volume via PulseAudio with its ctl util, but I got errors that it couldn't connect to a local server (I assume the pulseaudio server).


pactl set-sink-volume 1 150%
Someone tried and fixed it already?
that'd be appreciated.


pichlo 2016-10-13 09:20

Re: Low volume on calls
I don't know about Jolla C, but on my Jolla 1 the volume has always been very low. Making a call in a noisy environment like a busy street is nigh impossible.

Schturman 2016-10-14 22:20

Re: Low volume on calls

Originally Posted by anidel (Post 1516664)
Hi there, got a Jolla C I was now trying to use as a phone, but the volume during the calls is amazingly low.

Any hints?

Tried a few solutions from, namely trying to increase the volume via PulseAudio with its ctl util, but I got errors that it couldn't connect to a local server (I assume the pulseaudio server).


pactl set-sink-volume 1 150%
Someone tried and fixed it already?
that'd be appreciated.


You can try:

pactl set-sink-volume sink.primary 150%
or my patch for this:

taixzo 2016-10-15 14:19

Re: Low volume on calls
My Nexus 5 also has a much lower call volume in sailfish than in android. Media volume is the same across both OS's, though.

pichlo 2016-10-15 18:01

Re: Low volume on calls
@taixzo, interesting.
@Schturman, 150%? Seriously? I need at least 400% to make a difference.

kinggo 2016-10-15 19:52

Re: Low volume on calls
well, it's very easy to push PA to 150% :D

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