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frasej 2007-09-04 02:04

enable ftp server
Is there anyway to enable an ftp server on the N800? Apparently, NVU won't talk to it using sftp.


Aisu 2007-09-04 02:22

Re: enable ftp server
I'm not sure if NVU does it... But you can easily transfer files to the Tablet over SSH using openSSH on the Tablet and Gftp on your computer... Hope it helps!

frasej 2007-09-04 17:17

Re: enable ftp server
No, that didn't help, as that's the way I do it now. I want my html editor, NVU, to be able to "see" then N800, and, unfortunately, it doesn't use sftp.:(

free 2007-09-04 19:03

Re: enable ftp server
You can "mount an ssh partition" using sshfs
It's a bit of a hack but I've used it, it's like "fish" of konqueror.

frasej 2007-09-04 19:08

Re: enable ftp server
I'm in a Windows environment. Maybe I should just install Samba.

free 2007-09-04 20:39

Re: enable ftp server
Samba on the n800? Does it exist? I've seen that
apt-cache policy nfs-common says that it exist so I guess it's possible to install NFS but then you will need NFS services for NT for the windows part.

Actually it should be possible to port an ftpserver to the n800 but I guess nobody did it because ftp is really insecure..

arman68 2007-09-05 07:31

Re: enable ftp server
The problem with transfers via SSH is they are very slow, much slower than the write speed of the SDHC cards. Having a FTP server running on the tablet, would get rid of this limitation.

Yes FTP is more insecure, but only if the login credentials are intercepted, and on a private LAN, it is a very good solution for file transfers. I am actually surprised it does not come as part of the OS and nobody has compiled it.

free 2007-09-05 09:13

Re: enable ftp server

Originally Posted by arman68 (Post 73273)
The problem with transfers via SSH is they are very slow, much slower than the write speed of the SDHC cards. Having a FTP server running on the tablet, would get rid of this limitation.

Yes, the slowdown is due to encryption, it will generate more cpu load on both endpoints. One way would be to use a lighter encryption, for example blowfish. I think removing encryption is not possible.

Yes FTP is more insecure, but only if the login credentials are intercepted, and on a private LAN, it is a very good solution for file transfers. I am actually surprised it does not come as part of the OS and nobody has compiled it.
No it's not only the login that can be intercepted, the complete traffic is unencrypted, so one can snoop your transfered image, files,..

I have this device since only a few days but I may have a look at porting an ftp server when I have time and when I have understood how to cross compile.

free 2007-09-06 13:34

Re: enable ftp server
There exist ftp server made in python. One is pyFTPdrop only supports anonymous upload but needs to be started from (x)inetd which I can't find for the n800.
You should find others in python or even in perl, ftp protocol and application is quite simple.

hordeman 2008-04-15 21:02

Re: enable ftp server

Originally Posted by free (Post 73668)
There exist ftp server made in python. One is pyFTPdrop only supports anonymous upload but needs to be started from (x)inetd which I can't find for the n800.
You should find others in python or even in perl, ftp protocol and application is quite simple.

I'm quite late to this thread, but I'm also looking for an FTP server for my n800. Does anybody have any newer info on the topic? (For the reasons above, I only want to use FTP to transfer files.)

Thank you!

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