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marmistrz 2015-04-24 12:01

[Planned] Private browsing and browser profile manager for Maemo 5
Would you be interested in a "private browsing" app for Nokia N900?

I see it as a standalone app, which would allow you to temporarily (or permanently) change the profile of your browser. It could be launched either from the settings or from the menu. It would be created in Qt (not QML) in order to maintain the Maemo feel and look.

Would you support such a project? What would be the best place to gather funds for it? Unfortunately, neither Kickstarter or GoFundMe support Poland.

nokiabot 2015-04-24 16:34

Re: [Planned] Private browsing and browser profile manager for Maemo 5
will the app browse or the app will just configure the maemo browser ? if the latter then its not of much use as tor applet does the job somewhat
or if is enanancements to browser engine or system wide proxy then it would be something people would be highly intrested i think.

marmistrz 2015-04-24 17:07

Re: [Planned] Private browsing and browser profile manager for Maemo 5
Just configure the browser. Does tor enable you to private browse?

nokiabot 2015-04-24 17:21

Re: [Planned] Private browsing and browser profile manager for Maemo 5

Originally Posted by marmistrz (Post 1468364)
Just configure the browser. Does tor enable you to private browse?

yes ! thats what it does and if you are referring to history then one needs it to delete manually also if its the latter then microb is degrading heavily day by day so i suppose when one isint able to use browser nicely then ignito mode app is useless
just thinking aloud and also i didnt get your orignal post clearly so dont get all wet on me :p

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