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stickymick 2015-05-16 05:55

System sounds very low
Is there any way of increasing the loudness of system sounds and alert tones?
I've got mine maxed out in settings, but I'm still finding them very quiet.
Thankees in advance.

ejjoman 2015-05-16 07:44

Re: System sounds very low
Have you checked your ambience settings?

vistaus 2015-05-16 11:47

Re: System sounds very low
Same here, esp. the keyboard click sound is waaaaay too low.

HtheB 2015-05-16 13:39

Re: System sounds very low
I hope you guys are being sarcastic, because for me they are loud, especially when unlocking the phone :/

stickymick 2015-05-16 14:00

Re: System sounds very low

Originally Posted by HtheB (Post 1470476)
I hope you guys are being sarcastic, because for me they are loud, especially when unlocking the phone :/

Nope. Everything is set up OK in my ambiances (Full volume for ringtones and system sounds.)
I don't think there's anything wrong with the speaker because videos and music play pretty loud.

Another problem I have is how do you clear the recent calls list? Haven't found a menu item to do that. If you use delete from within the list it also deletes the number from the contacts list.

stickymick 2015-05-17 18:06

Re: System sounds very low
Solved the problem of not being able to clear your call history. You can't. :(
Someone on Jolla Users asked the same question over there, he's got a year's worth of calls in his history. There's a script to run from x-terminal, but I'm not sure I wanna mess about like that at this stage. I used to run x-term scripts on the N900 but I need to learn a bit more about the Sailfish one.

I'm thinking of using mp3 files as ringtones etc as a work around.

coderus 2015-05-17 18:11

Re: System sounds very low

Originally Posted by stickymick (Post 1470477)
Another problem I have is how do you clear the recent calls list? Haven't found a menu item to do that. If you use delete from within the list it also deletes the number from the contacts list.

What? If you delete items from call history it does NOT delete contact from phonebook.

stickymick 2015-05-17 18:19

Re: System sounds very low

Originally Posted by coderus (Post 1470574)
What? If you delete items from call history it does NOT delete contact from phonebook.

Mine did the other day. Which is why I suspected that is what happened. I had to re-enter the contacts into my list afterwards.
Tried to replicate it just now but the contacts have stayed put. :confused:

coderus 2015-05-17 18:27

Re: System sounds very low
you seems missed and used delete from contacts, not from calls :D

stickymick 2015-05-17 18:33

Re: System sounds very low
Maybe, but I'm pretty sure I didn't.

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