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DirkDagger 2015-06-04 01:37

Nokia RM-784/RM-792 PROTO B1 HWiD 0102 [Meltemi OS] [UnReleased] (Possibly Meltemi FW Files (!)
Ok, and here is some really Good News. Atm, can't say for sure, but looks I finally found early Meltemi OS FW files. Need confirmation from serious TMO guys with BiG MaD SkiLLZ. :D
That's my lst 3rd "Clipper". First is: RM-792 B1 HWiD: 0104, Second: RM-784 B2.4 HWiD: 0240.
Looks this buddy was something like Exhibit Model. Better say was planned to be an Exhibit Model, cause finally as all U know Meltemi was nucked and "Clipper" itself naturally. And looks just only hell few "Clippers" are alive now. Cause from all serious Nokia collectors all over the world I know, have no even info abt Meltemi, not to mention the devices themselves.
OS of this Build is very fast, but most OS functions is locked in something like... Demo Mode. U can open icons, see precached SMS/Mails/Images but can't fully interact with 'em. This Unit also loaded with 2GB MicroSD like RM-792 B1 HWiD: 0104 with same Media Content, but looks at this time Nokia's R&D forgot to remove FW files from MicroSD. Now all We need to know, is that fully functional early Meltemi FW Kit, or only it's part. Cause in first case it's... Amazing, but 2nd way also good to better understand what Nokia deprived us. :)
Ok, Here We Go: Nokia_RM-784_RM-792_PROTO_B1_Meltemi_OS_vX.X.XX_Recovered_2GB_Micr oSD_Content-eskMaemo
Btw, Image of "2GB MicroSD" done with R-Studio v7.6 Build 158796.

reinob 2015-06-04 08:36

Re: Nokia RM-784/RM-792 PROTO B1 HWiD 0102 [Meltemi OS] [UnReleased] (Possibly Meltemi FW Files (!)

Your .zip seems to be corrupted. I'm downloading again but you could post the size (in 8-bit bytes) as well as a checksum (md5 will do).

Add.: Nope. Either your file is corruped/incomplete, or your server sucks.

DirkDagger 2015-06-04 09:17

Re: Nokia RM-784/RM-792 PROTO B1 HWiD 0102 [Meltemi OS] [UnReleased] (Possibly Meltemi FW Files (!)
Yep. Error is on FileHosting side. Thx for check.
Fixed Now: :)

reinob 2015-06-04 11:34

Re: Nokia RM-784/RM-792 PROTO B1 HWiD 0102 [Meltemi OS] [UnReleased] (Possibly Meltemi FW Files (!)

Originally Posted by DirkDagger (Post 1472577)
Yep. Error is on FileHosting side. Thx for check.
Fixed Now: :)

Thanks. The .dsk file is actually an ext3 partition having the rootfs of the phone (or at least what it looks like that). I'll see what I find..

reinob 2015-06-04 12:21

Re: Nokia RM-784/RM-792 PROTO B1 HWiD 0102 [Meltemi OS] [UnReleased] (Possibly Meltemi FW Files (!)
Very quickly. Here I post the notes I've taken while having a quick look at the image:

binaries ARM EABI5 32-bit for Kernel 2.6.30
uses rpm, connman, wayland, sysvinit, ofono, pulseaudio, sshd, wpa_supplicant (dsme and ohm are also there)
WLAN module is bcm4329_falcon

base zypper repo:
(Meltemi Trunk)
also "Meltemi Injection" repo.

/bin/sh is /bin/bash
/boot is empty (separate partition probably)

/etc/issue says "MeeGo release 1.1.80 (MeeGo)"
/etc/meltemi-timestamp says image generated Dec 5th 2011


has (as QML apps, possibly dummies - maybe not, code seems to be in /opt/mt/)
angry birds, browser, calendar, camera, contacts, clock, facebook, e-mail, maps, radio, ovi music, skype, twitter, etc.

/opt/meltemi has some kind of half-SDK?
/opt/meltemi/armv7hl-meltemi-linux-gnueabi/kernel has 3x .mcusw flashable images (rm784 w/ and w/o WLAN as well as RX87)
each takes 20761Kb (~ 20MB)

also some (test, trailers) videos as well as music are there.

/usr/include is there
/var/cache/zypp/ has package descriptions from repos but no packages

reinob 2015-06-04 13:39

Re: Nokia RM-784/RM-792 PROTO B1 HWiD 0102 [Meltemi OS] [UnReleased] (Possibly Meltemi FW Files (!)
I guess I'm bored today :)

Phone security code and unlock code is hard-coded to 159357.
The kernel seems to be based on some "Broadcom P10.0.0b" release.

The MCUSW images are generated by a /opt/meltemi/bin/ script (which presumably combines the kernel with a device-specific ("baseband") firmware). The script is however not there. Google doesn't know about it either.

reinob 2015-06-04 13:51

Re: Nokia RM-784/RM-792 PROTO B1 HWiD 0102 [Meltemi OS] [UnReleased] (Possibly Meltemi FW Files (!)
and here I quick list of installed packages with license "Nokia Proprietary":

baldr (wayland compositor)
eglbralloc (opengl stuff)
meltemi-cc_collection (mobile operator settings)
MT-BL-pulseaudio-nokia (nokia proprietary modules for pulseaudio)
mt-butler (generates jsondb entries, sort of like the Meltemi "registry")
mt-client-lib (processmanager client lib)
mt-installer (3rd-party package installer)
mt-processmanager (process manager)
mt-transfermanager (transfer manager)

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