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desurvivor 2015-06-19 00:13

Nokia N9 Repartition
My N9 cannot Flash And Could not Started ........when it boot up freeze with nokia logo then turn off.............and try to vanila flash with all command that are avaliable............but when i flashed zimage moslo and zImage_2.6.32.54-ubiboot-02_301013..........boot up with usb cable it shows some green letter...............and my pc found a 14.7 GB removable drive can i fix it

coderus 2015-06-19 05:17

Re: Nokia N9 Repartition
flasher -F mail.bin -F emmc.bin --erase-user-data=secure --erase-mmc=secure --no-preserve -f -R

desurvivor 2015-06-19 08:55

Re: Nokia N9 Repartition

Originally Posted by coderus (Post 1474121)
flasher -F mail.bin -F emmc.bin --erase-user-data=secure --erase-mmc=secure --no-preserve -f -R

1st flash told that

Ping attempt 1 (250 ms)
Server application: 1.7.2
Found product RM-696 rev. 1603
Server implements softupd protocol version 1.8
Warning: user data may reside on MMC. In that case the MMC is unnecessarily erased twice.
Charging battery, 10 % battery level (11 % required). Ctrl-c to exit
Battery level 11 %, continuing.
Erasing, this may take a while.
ERROR: SU_BEGIN_ERASE_REQ terminated with error code 1: Unknown error
Fetching error list:
bb5_rdc_cert_read failed
bb5_rdc_cert_read failed
ioctl(BLKSECDISCARD) failed for /tmp/sudmmc2WMQf8/internal0: Input/output error
ERROR: Failed to erase MMC using 'secure' method

desurvivor 2015-06-19 08:56

Re: Nokia N9 Repartition

Originally Posted by coderus (Post 1474121)
flasher -F mail.bin -F emmc.bin --erase-user-data=secure --erase-mmc=secure --no-preserve -f -R

And 2nd trying told that

Ping attempt 1 (250 ms)
Server application: 1.7.2
Found product RM-696 rev. 1603
Server implements softupd protocol version 1.8
Warning: user data may reside on MMC. In that case the MMC is unnecessarily erased twice.

Battery level 11 %, continuing.
Erasing, this may take a while.
Erase done.

Battery level 11 %, continuing.
Erasing, this may take a while.
Erase done.
Image SW version DFL61_HARMATTAN_40.2012.21-
Image moslo not present
Image tar skipped
Image config skipped

Battery level 11 %, continuing.

image [state progress transfer flash speed]
[x] cert-sw [finished 100 % 1 / 1 kB NA ]
[x] cmt-2nd [finished 100 % 95 / 95 kB NA ]
[x] cmt-algo [finished 100 % 789 / 789 kB NA ]
[_] cmt-mcusw [writing 57 % 6050 / 6050 kB 3574 kB/s]
[x] xloader [finished 100 % 23 / 23 kB NA ]
[x] secondary [finished 100 % 94 / 94 kB NA ]
[x] kernel [finished 100 % 2714 / 2714 kB 1856 kB/s]
[_] rootfs [init 0 % 32768 / 1170174 kB NA ]
[ ] mmc [pending 0 % 0 / 0 kB NA ]
ERROR: SU_GET_UPDATE_STATUS_REQ terminated with error code 1: Unknown error

image [state progress transfer flash speed]
[x] cert-sw [finished 100 % 1 / 1 kB NA ]
[x] cmt-2nd [finished 100 % 95 / 95 kB NA ]
[x] cmt-algo [finished 100 % 789 / 789 kB NA ]
[x] cmt-mcusw [finished 100 % 6050 / 6050 kB 3239 kB/s]
[x] xloader [finished 100 % 23 / 23 kB NA ]
[x] secondary [finished 100 % 94 / 94 kB NA ]
[x] kernel [finished 100 % 2714 / 2714 kB 1856 kB/s]
[f] rootfs [init 0 % 32768 / 1170174 kB NA ]
[-] mmc [pending 0 % 0 / 0 kB NA ]
Fetching error list:
bb5_rdc_cert_read failed
bb5_rdc_cert_read failed
bb5_rdc_cert_read failed
bb5_rdc_cert_read failed
bb5_rdc_cert_read failed
mmc: sfdisk returned status 1
mmc: Could not exec 'tune2fs -L rootfs /tmp/sudmmcCCAykW/internal0p2'
mmc: Could not remove mount directory /tmp/sudmmcCCAykW/mnt: No such file or directory
[Pipe 5] Finishing in error state with status 1

pasko 2015-06-19 11:17

Re: Nokia N9 Repartition
I bet you are executing the commands as an unprivileged user: try appending sudo at the beginning of the command. (i.e: execute the flash command as root)


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