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V10lator 2015-06-23 08:51

[SOLVED] Searching TOHKBD and Keira Black TOH
Solved. Big thanks to @kimmoni and @ibins.

Original post:

as the title says I'm searching for these two TOHs. For the Keira Black TOH I found some shops, but they aren't selling to my country (germany) and TOHKBD isn't available anymore.

Post me your offers! :)

Astaoth 2015-06-23 11:44

Re: Searching TOHs: Keira Black and TOHKBD
I'm also interrested by the Keira black OH, do some of the shops you saw sell it to France ?

TMavica 2015-06-23 14:28

Re: Searching TOHs: Keira Black and TOHKBD
+1 here

V10lator 2015-06-23 18:20

Re: Searching TOHs: Keira Black and TOHKBD
@Astaoth No, they all sold to finnland only. I guess they are some local finnish mobile shops partnering with Jolla.

cvp 2015-06-23 19:30

Re: Searching TOHs: Keira Black and TOHKBD
looking for a TOHKBD complete black + Germany Keyboard, too :)

kimmoli 2015-06-23 19:42

Re: Searching TOHs: Keira Black and TOHKBD
If there is Finnish shop that has those in stock, i can provide forwarding service: 11€ for shipping in Express tracked to EU.

TMavica, you are more expensive then,

ps. can't help with TOHKBD

tmi 2015-06-24 15:23

Re: Searching TOHs: Keira Black and TOHKBD

And from subpage Multitronic:
"International orders are subject to agreement with the customer."

Maybe worth a shot to just ask them.

V10lator 2015-06-26 04:50

Re: Searching TOHs: Keira Black and TOHKBD
@tmi Thanks for that info but I won't navigate on their half english, half finnish sides just to get a contact adress (already found 5 different e-mail adresses there). Also they don't offer payment by PayPal.

@kimmoli: That would be great. Will PM you.

Oxxyria 2015-06-26 06:19

Re: Searching TOHs: Keira Black and TOHKBD
The DNA shops in Finland have the TOHs on sale for 9€. But sadly my local shop was all sold out. Maybe Kimmoli have more luck.

One option could be, 29€. The usually don't ship outside of Finland/Sweden/Estonia, but it can't hurt to ask :)

pichlo 2015-06-26 06:32

Re: Searching TOHs: Keira Black and TOHKBD
9€ is a MUCH more realistic price than the price quoted in the Jolla online shop.

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