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YogeshD 2015-07-09 07:53

Wireless tools missing for mobile hotspot
I recently flashed my nokia n900 . When i install mobile hotspot it says wireless tools missing.. I read several posts about this and those are older posts. Now we are in 2015 . Is there any other choice to resolve this issue? Help me. :)

YogeshD 2015-07-09 10:18

Re: Wireless tools missing for mobile hotspot
Please Anyone say that is it possible or not possible?

Acurus_ 2015-07-09 10:40

Re: Wireless tools missing for mobile hotspot
Install "QT Mobile Hotspot" and activate necessary repositories.


YogeshD 2015-07-09 10:45

Re: Wireless tools missing for mobile hotspot

Originally Posted by Acurus_ (Post 1476175)
Install "OT Mobile Hotspot" and activate necessary repositories.

You mean QT mobile hotspot?

Acurus_ 2015-07-09 10:57

Re: Wireless tools missing for mobile hotspot
Absolutly :)

YogeshD 2015-07-09 11:33

Re: Wireless tools missing for mobile hotspot

Originally Posted by Acurus_ (Post 1476175)
Install "QT Mobile Hotspot" and activate necessary repositories.


Same problem :
Application packages missing: wireless-tools

this problem not only for mobile hotspot. and some others like wifieye,aircrack etc.

Acurus_ 2015-07-09 11:42

Re: Wireless tools missing for mobile hotspot
Which repositories you have activated?

YogeshD 2015-07-09 12:30

Re: Wireless tools missing for mobile hotspot
I Activated most of the repos
2. Extras-devel
3. Maemo Extras-Devel
4 .Maemo Extras-Testing

And some failed repos are
1. Nokia Application
2. Nokia System software updates
3. Ovi

Acurus_ 2015-07-09 12:37

Re: Wireless tools missing for mobile hotspot
ok. firstly deactivate the failing repositories. and wait some seconds till my next posting ...

Acurus_ 2015-07-09 12:47

Re: Wireless tools missing for mobile hotspot
Hope, here are three new repositories for installing. Reason: The addresses changed. save the files to your N900. After saving open them with the file manager. The reopositories will be installed automatically. Wait till the catalouges haven updated and then try to install the programms again.

EDIT: Attachement do not work. Give me some seconds ...

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