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WAHID 2015-07-17 16:59

new link for flash files
Hi everyone
some of flash files in this links are dead, How can i found new links?

endsormeans 2015-07-17 18:25

Re: new link for flash files

X-J 2015-07-17 21:11

Re: new link for flash files
Use This:

endsormeans 2015-07-17 23:02

Re: new link for flash files
wtf ...
Same bloody place ...
except the link I provided is confirmed known, certain, safe and stably permanent....
whoever this is mirroring it...
should tell them it isn't needed and a waste of their resources...
Better to just tuck the entirety of it away for safe-keeping in case of a critical emergency like..the web crashes utterly...and then pull it out for community triage...

edit: Ahhh...I see what he's done...
what his primary purpose here is..
the main site of his is definitely a good thing...
if n900 nokia specific application catalogs (which are now currently non-operative) are needed on device ..this site and it's catalogs are definitely a very very good thing (ie: the youtube vid is an eye-opener)...if it is kept updated that is...and if it works without a hitch that is...
edit : tried out the catalogs ...they function ...this is good...
their contents and functionality as well as long term impact of using these alternates...
are a different matter...

sev7en 2015-07-22 13:30

Re: new link for flash files
Good afternoon,
which one is the latest build, also nightly, available for N900?


xiskillo 2015-07-22 19:49

Re: new link for flash files
PR 1.3.1 Base + CSSU

endsormeans 2015-07-22 21:27

Re: new link for flash files
We don't do nightly builds around here...
only tea-time-with-crumpets builds...

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