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AapoRantalainen 2015-08-08 08:08

[Announcement] Numptyphysics for Sailfish (openrepos)
1 Attachment(s)

Harness gravity with your crayon and set about creating blocks, ramps, levers, pulleys and whatever else you fancy to get the little red thing to the little yellow thing.

Known bugs:
*No multi-touch support
*Screen+finger is hard for some levels
*Swipe-gestures are handled like application is portrait even it is landscaped

pichlo 2015-08-08 12:10

Re: [Announcement] Numptyphysics for Sailfish (openrepos)

Originally Posted by AapoRantalainen (Post 1478983)
*Swipe-gestures are handled like application is portrait even it is landscaped

That one is an OS bug, introduced in 1.1.6. Of course, Jolla and some of their die-hard fans will never admit that.

juiceme 2015-08-08 13:14

Re: [Announcement] Numptyphysics for Sailfish (openrepos)

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1478993)
That one is an OS bug, introduced in 1.1.6. Of course, Jolla and some of their die-hard fans will never admit that.

In that same thread there is also an explanation and fix for it.
There's no denial associated with it... :)

@AapoRantalainen, you need the following in your app;
allowedOrientations: defaultAllowedOrientations

pichlo 2015-08-08 21:38

Re: [Announcement] Numptyphysics for Sailfish (openrepos)

Originally Posted by juiceme (Post 1478996)
In that same thread there is also an explanation and fix for it.
There's no denial associated with it... :)

That depends. Jolla has never officially acknowledged anything. It was a community member who found "something". Even if Jolla had bothered to respond, the best we could hope for is, "we have changed X, you must now all update your code to work around it."

The way I see it is, application X worked before the OS update. Application X did not change but it does not work now. What broke it?

It is called backwards compatibility, in case you were wondering ;) But hey, this is OT ;) The workaround in that thread should do the trick indeed.

coderus 2015-08-09 00:45

Re: [Announcement] Numptyphysics for Sailfish (openrepos)

Originally Posted by juiceme (Post 1478996)
@AapoRantalainen, you need the following in your app;
allowedOrientations: defaultAllowedOrientations

I think its done in SDL, not qmL, so... try to get help in devel mailing lists.

BluesLee 2015-08-09 07:52

Re: [Announcement] Numptyphysics for Sailfish (openrepos)
Can you consider different screen sizes please? On a Nexus 5 running SFOS 1 /4 of the screen is used, lower left corner.

Thank you.

AapoRantalainen 2015-08-09 20:51

Re: [Announcement] Numptyphysics for Sailfish (openrepos)

Originally Posted by coderus (Post 1479042)
I think its done in SDL, not qmL, so... try to get help in devel mailing lists.

Yes, this is SDL2.

Discussed here: and


Originally Posted by BluesLee (Post 1479052)
Can you consider different screen sizes please? On a Nexus 5 running SFOS 1 /4 of the screen is used, lower left corner.

Done. Version 0.4-2 should work regardless of screen size. Can you confirm this works for you?

BluesLee 2015-08-14 18:56

Re: [Announcement] Numptyphysics for Sailfish (openrepos)

Originally Posted by AapoRantalainen (Post 1479101)
Can you confirm this works for you?

Confirmed, thank you.

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