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marmistrz 2015-09-09 10:04

Optimal performance tweaking
Looking for something else, I came across this post:

I rememeber that these battery/speed patches were dangerous stuff (negatively affected stability).

Of course, such stuff as swappolube, kernel-power, busybox-power, CSSU, Hildon HW sync, OC, swap on uSD, disabling auto-update is obvious.

Are all the other tweaks from here safe? Are you using any other tweaks to improve performance

pichlo 2015-09-09 10:10

Re: Optimal performance tweaking

Originally Posted by marmistrz (Post 1481732)
Of course, such stuff as swappolube, kernel-power, busybox-power, CSSU, Hildon HW sync, OC, swap on uSD, disabling auto-update is obvious.

In my case, swap on SD had a negative impact on performance. Especially in applications like Camera when the destination folder was also on the SD. This is because my SD is marginally slower than the internal eMMC. You may want to test your card's speed first.

I kept swap on SD for a while anyway to reduce the wear on the eMMC but had to repartition when I ran out of space on the card :)

nokiabot 2015-09-09 12:19

Re: Optimal performance tweaking
i am strugling to speed up the scroll speed in menu and other apps any ideas '

also is there any chance to get the maemo modding script updated/reviewed

enne30 2015-09-15 11:40

Re: Optimal performance tweaking

Originally Posted by nokiabot (Post 1481753)
i am strugling to speed up the scroll speed in menu and other apps any ideas '

also is there any chance to get the maemo modding script updated/reviewed

I noticed a sligth speed up oc at 850.. maybe it's just my impression, but you could give a try :)

enne30 2015-09-15 11:43

Re: Optimal performance tweaking

Originally Posted by marmistrz (Post 1481732)
Looking for something else, I came across this post:

I rememeber that these battery/speed patches were dangerous stuff (negatively affected stability).

Of course, such stuff as swappolube, kernel-power, busybox-power, CSSU, Hildon HW sync, OC, swap on uSD, disabling auto-update is obvious.

Are all the other tweaks from here safe? Are you using any other tweaks to improve performance

could you give me some link/reference about the underlined ones?:D

marmistrz 2015-09-15 11:49

Re: Optimal performance tweaking
Well, it's in the link from the OP.

enne30 2015-09-15 12:08

Re: Optimal performance tweaking
ehr... thanks :D

panjgoori 2015-09-15 16:36

Re: Optimal performance tweaking
never tried other tweaks from that page but extended auto-update/refresh time was my favorite.

jellyroll 2015-09-27 12:40

Re: Optimal performance tweaking
Cssu features, flopswap, tracker-cfg and kernel power settings worked for me. Disable HAM auto updates saves alot of time.

dy1ng 2015-09-28 00:55

Re: Optimal performance tweaking
I've always had problems making this device really fast.
I'm using it 500-1000MHz, swap on sd, autoupdate off, hwsync on.
It's very smooth until it runs out of physical RAM, and have to use its swap.
After that time, it struggles for seconds even if it's just have to do a screen rotate.
I've seen videos on youtube from N900's that opens/closes/uses dozens of apps without any delay ( for example)... I just don't know, how they've done that kind of tweaking.

Tried many swappolube-settings (default, proposed, my custom), it became faster, but not THAT fast.
I'm using my custom transitions, a fast, stable, nice setup with no unnecessary eye-candy.
My system is clean, minimal, with only two desktops, very few widgets (Foreca, nameday, data usage), no unnecassary things running in RAM.

On a previous N900 I've tried the speedpatch and batterypatch, with those my system lost speed instead of gaining. :D
I've noticed that the CPU's up_treshold and sampling rate parameter in power kernel settings is influencing the system's responsivity pretty much.

Any ideas of making the device that fast as it seems to be on that video?

What's are your guys swap settings (in detail if I might ask). :)

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