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onion_cfe 2007-09-08 14:31

BASH on N800

I dig all I can before asking stupid questions - i'm not lazy, but this one is annoying me.

Is a BASH shell possible on the N800, or not?

Why? Because I must have a non-sync based podcast solution on my device. It was 2/3 of why I bought it. GPodder simply can't handle 26 feeds successfully (unless i'm missing something - it gets very slow and unusable). Bashpodder is beautifully simple, but I can't find any way to use it with the default shell.

It seems on the N770 I wouldn't have any trouble using Bash + Bashpodder, so it seems odd that I can't do it on the N800. Feels wrong. When something feels wrong, it probably is, so i'll happily be corrected. Please, correct me.

ScottRD 2007-09-08 16:30

Re: BASH on N800
No guarantees as I have not tried this myself but check out

It says this was tested and works on N800.

Linc 2007-09-08 21:25

Re: BASH on N800

Originally Posted by onion_cfe (Post 74194)

I dig all I can before asking stupid questions - i'm not lazy, but this one is annoying me.

Is a BASH shell possible on the N800, or not?

Why? Because I must have a non-sync based podcast solution on my device. It was 2/3 of why I bought it. GPodder simply can't handle 26 feeds successfully (unless i'm missing something - it gets very slow and unusable). Bashpodder is beautifully simple, but I can't find any way to use it with the default shell.

It seems on the N770 I wouldn't have any trouble using Bash + Bashpodder, so it seems odd that I can't do it on the N800. Feels wrong. When something feels wrong, it probably is, so i'll happily be corrected. Please, correct me.

Believe it or not, I have an n800 and have never tried to run bashpodder on it. I just set my destination directory to the n800 from my pc and plug the n800 in as a usb device.
At any rate, I am quite interested to hear how you make out with this. Please don't hesitate to let me know. You can reach me by email at the email address listed in the header of bashpodder (Yes, I am *that* Linc).
By the way, bashpodder's website has been moved recently to

iball 2007-09-08 22:00

Re: BASH on N800
Try the new Video Center application.

onion_cfe 2007-09-09 14:05

Re: BASH on N800
ScottRD - This seems more about getting XTerm to default to BASH rather than getting it installed. I don't even have a /usr/bin/bash so I don't see that working. There's a bash package, probably only visible in red pill mode, but it won't install due to conflict, apparently with, thats right, bash. I'm a little confused.

Linc - If I manage to get the shell working i'll definitely try it and let you know. Right now i'm pretty much hitting a brick wall before I even get to BP though.

iball - Video Center is an interesting application but, won't it ignore non-video files, which is what i'm mosting subscribing to feeds of? Also, i'm not actually seeing any obvious way to spoon-feed it RSS feeds. Care to elaborate?

Thanks all.

robmiller 2007-09-09 14:42

Re: BASH on N800
I compiled bash 3.2 under scratchbox and copied the binary over, works fine. should be in /bin/bash, the reason you see a conflict with installing it is (I presume) busybox claims to provide it. if you look through the instructions for booting off the sd/mmc card, part of the procedure is to unpack a .deb file and extract a tar binary and copy it over (to /usr/local) to replace the busybox supplied tar. I expect you could use the same procedure to extract bash from the .deb package you mentioned. btw, don't set the user .profile to start up /bin/bash (think that's what I did, else it was setting user shell to /bin/bash -- meant to post on it but don't see it now), it will hang during boot and you will have to re-flash :( setting root's shell to /bin/bash seems ok so far tho.


iball 2007-09-09 15:58

Re: BASH on N800

Originally Posted by onion_cfe (Post 74353)
iball - Video Center is an interesting application but, won't it ignore non-video files, which is what i'm mosting subscribing to feeds of? Also, i'm not actually seeing any obvious way to spoon-feed it RSS feeds. Care to elaborate?

Thanks all.

Oddly enough, Video Center works just fine with audio podcasts.
I just tested it with one of the TWiT feeds and it streamed great via mplayer and downloaded the files just fine.
Nokia needs to expand on this to fully support audio podcasts/streams and call it "Media Center" instead of "Video Center".

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