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jesper 2015-10-17 19:30

Resolder 3.5mm headphone jack
Looks like the 3.5mm headphone jack on my phone has started to become loose.
Anyone who has disassembled their phone and resoldered it?

Hints and warnings about common mistakes before i break the phone apart would be greatly appreciated.


dirkvl 2015-10-17 19:39

Re: Resolder 3.5mm headphone jack

Originally Posted by jesper (Post 1485877)
Looks like the 3.5mm headphone jack on my phone has started to become loose.
Anyone who has disassembled their phone and resoldered it?

Hints and warnings about common mistakes before i break the phone apart would be greatly appreciated.


remove toh and battery
get a hex screwdriver to remove back frame, should not be an issue
look at 3.5mm jack, make high-rez picture of pcb where it was attached
report back

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