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velox 2015-10-23 12:07

[Announce] Slumber – Sleep Timer for SailfishOS
Hi all,
I made a thing and would love you to tell me if it works for you:

slumber is a sleep timer program for SailfishOS with sensors support.

This means you can use the accelerometer or proximity sensor to reset the timer if the display is lit: Just place your device on your bed and slap the mattress in it's general direction to reset the timer. If the display is off, tapping the screen thrice to "wake up and reset" in one go works reasonably good as well.

It's designed to pause local media players or Kodi/VLC via network.
If your device supports it (Jolla1 does not), aliendalvik/android media players shown on the lock screen should work, too.
Optionally, an audible notification plays for the last few seconds before pausing your media.

Please let me know if it works for your favourite Player.

Known restrictions:
- Does not work with Android media players on jolla1 phone.
- Does not work in Sailfish Browser (working alternative: WebPirate Browser)
- Sensors won't work when Display is off. But there is an option to keep it on while the timer runs. (If you know how to fix: please tell me!)
- Phone Vibration might trigger Accelerometer. (Well…)

- (most recent builds)
- from Jolla Store (old aka. stable)
- build it yourself after getting it on github

Changelog don't waste your bandwidth if you don't think it's worth it

* version 0.12-1 (in jolla store)
- bugfix: fix settings page for volume restoration
- feature: add simple dbus interface
- a lot of translation updates (thanks, translation team!)

* version 0.11-2
- feature: reset timer with button press on Amazfish-connected device
- feature: optional second Kodi action: Suspend/Shutdown (Not supported on every Kodi configuration)
- feature: disconnect (audio) bluetooth devices without fully shutting down BT
- enhancement: enable "quick select" for main page pull menus
- bugfix/enhancement: support Kodi 18 (leia) API change
- appearance: move notification setting to "Actions" settings page
- appearance: make "playback detected" notification inline
- some translation updates (thank you, translation team!)

* version 0.10-1
- packaging/meta data: OBS compatibility
- user request: main page hint font size increased (previously hard to read in chinese)
- enhancement: restore volume faster on cancel
- many translation updates
- enhancement: add 172x172 icon
- feature: replace BT action with privileged actions

* version 0.9-2
- bugfix: fix broken translations
- bugfix: only disable bluetooth after volume is restored
- translation updates: es/zh/fr/nl/nl_be/sl
- enhancement: always reset volume while canceling (even if reset not enabled)
- enhancement: only trigger "void" fallback after mpris handling is done

Ancelad 2015-10-23 12:26

Re: [WIP] Slumber – Sleep Timer for SailfishOS
Please, fix button-width :D It is too big...

velox 2015-10-24 12:33

Re: [WIP] Slumber – Sleep Timer for SailfishOS

Originally Posted by Ancelad (Post 1486496)
Please, fix button-width :D It is too big...

Yay, if Button Layouts are the worst thing anyone notices, that's a pretty good sign.
It looks a bit weird on Landscape, though, good point. On Portrait, I think it's actually prettier than automatic width, but I'll just change it and get over it. :) Thanks for taking the Time and giving Feedback!

velox 2015-10-24 21:49

Re: [WIP] Slumber – Sleep Timer for SailfishOS
v0.2 is uploaded to warehouse & first post is updated. Buttons are much narrower now :D

MikeHG 2015-10-24 23:10

Re: [WIP] Slumber – Sleep Timer for SailfishOS
Killdroid in the Jolla store can restart the Alien Dalvik system, as long as you've given it your root password.

Makes me wonder if you could use that (or the same mechanism) to shut all Android apps. It'd have to be a setting - it's a pretty blunt way of turning off the radio :)

ETA - there's also this

CepiPerez 2015-10-25 04:13

Re: [WIP] Slumber – Sleep Timer for SailfishOS
nice app, but doesn't work for flowplayer
how does it work? dbus? I can add whatever you need, just let me know

velox 2015-10-25 11:00

Re: [WIP] Slumber – Sleep Timer for SailfishOS

Originally Posted by MikeHG (Post 1486657)
Killdroid in the Jolla store can restart the Alien Dalvik system, as long as you've given it your root password.

Makes me wonder if you could use that (or the same mechanism) to shut all Android apps. It'd have to be a setting - it's a pretty blunt way of turning off the radio :)

ETA - there's also this

I'll keep this in mind as a possible feature in the future. Good to know there are ways to kill dalvik and still get accepted to Jolla Store. Thanks!


Originally Posted by CepiPerez (Post 1486663)
nice app, but doesn't work for flowplayer
how does it work? dbus? I can add whatever you need, just let me know

Pausing media is actually a bit of a hack right now: I just play a very short, silent .mp3 file right out of QML, which automatically pauses a lot of native players. I tried using dbus from QML when I wanted to fade out media volume before, but didn't get anywhere. Hints how to do that stuff at all (and helpful dbus methods) would be greatly appreciated…

r0kk3rz 2015-10-25 16:00

Re: [WIP] Slumber – Sleep Timer for SailfishOS

Originally Posted by velox (Post 1486679)
Pausing media is actually a bit of a hack right now: I just play a very short, silent .mp3 file right out of QML, which automatically pauses a lot of native players. I tried using dbus from QML when I wanted to fade out media volume before, but didn't get anywhere. Hints how to do that stuff at all (and helpful dbus methods) would be greatly appreciated…

Using MPRIS to pause the players might be a better solution for native players. Which is what the lockscreen media controls use, and so is a common API for you to hook into


velox 2015-10-25 16:16

Re: [WIP] Slumber – Sleep Timer for SailfishOS

Originally Posted by r0kk3rz (Post 1486694)
Using MPRIS to pause the players might be a better solution for native players. Which is what the lockscreen media controls use, and so is a common API for you to hook into


This is why I like this place. Thanks, I'll definitely look into that!

CepiPerez 2015-10-25 21:48

Re: [WIP] Slumber – Sleep Timer for SailfishOS
Add this to your globals.qml file:

on top of page:
import org.nemomobile.mpris 1.0

Insde main Rectangle component:
MprisManager { id: mprisManager }

then when timer is triggered add this:

This should work for stock player and flowplayer (also cutespot uses mpris afaik)

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