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explit 2015-11-29 11:06

Nemo mobile for N900 0.20130620.0.1 Any Updates?
Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemans!

Since Jolla have some financial Problems atm, i think it would take some time till we see any newer version than, i want to play a little bit with Nemo Mobile on my Nokia N900.
Tha latest version that i found for N900 is: 0.20130620.0.1
My question is now?
How can i update it?
Setting the

ssu re latest

doesnt find some newer packages.

Setting the

ssu flavour devel

find approx. 480 packages but during the installation the n900 switch off and after the restart it runs worse than bevor update.
Is there a good starting point to bring nemo mobile to the newer stand and play a little bit with it?

I dont like the Plasma UI, so i didn't took the image which is linked to the Nemo/Mer Wiki. It seems also be older than


locusf 2015-11-29 12:49

Re: Nemo mobile for N900 0.20130620.0.1 Any Updates?
Its unfortunately not possible to continue the development for N900. The graphics driver is too unstable and the hardware too limited to continue its vitality.

Copernicus 2015-11-29 13:20

Re: Nemo mobile for N900 0.20130620.0.1 Any Updates?

Originally Posted by locusf (Post 1490109)
Its unfortunately not possible to continue the development for N900. The graphics driver is too unstable and the hardware too limited to continue its vitality.

Which brings us back to the original dilemma: many folks who want to run Mer have N900s. Folks who don't want to run Mer have more advanced Android devices. If Mer can only run on more advanced Android devices, nobody will want to run Mer... ;)

Along this vein of thought, let me repeat a question I asked earlier: right now, exactly what hardware does Mer / Nemo run best on?

cockroach 2015-11-29 14:27

Re: Nemo mobile for N900 0.20130620.0.1 Any Updates?

Originally Posted by locusf (Post 1490109)
Its unfortunately not possible to continue the development for N900. The graphics driver is too unstable and the hardware too limited to continue its vitality.


There goes the dream of revitalizing the N9.

nieldk 2015-11-29 14:35

Re: Nemo mobile for N900 0.20130620.0.1 Any Updates?

Originally Posted by cockroach (Post 1490117)

There goes the dream of revitalizing the N9.

Nemo is quite functional on N9 AFAIK

cockroach 2015-11-29 14:41

Re: Nemo mobile for N900 0.20130620.0.1 Any Updates?

Originally Posted by nieldk (Post 1490120)
Nemo is quite functional on N9 AFAIK

In that case I suppose I'll give it a try, last time I did I couldn't quite get it to work.

Still, if it's "not possible to continue the development for N900" that pretty much means that the current state is as far as we will get, doesn't it?

nieldk 2015-11-29 14:44

Re: Nemo mobile for N900 0.20130620.0.1 Any Updates?

Originally Posted by cockroach (Post 1490123)
In that case I suppose I'll give it a try, last time I did I couldn't quite get it to work.

Still, if it's "not possible to continue the development for N900" that pretty much means that the current state is as far as we will get, doesn't it?

Probably so. I is hard to reverse engineer binaries. And there might be legal issues distributing any such thing, if ever done.

cockroach 2015-11-29 14:58

Re: Nemo mobile for N900 0.20130620.0.1 Any Updates?

Which brings us more or less back to Copernicus' question: is there a decent (N9-ish) phone that Nemo does run on? Or is it mostly non-phone hardware at the moment?

sicelo 2015-11-29 18:20

Re: Nemo mobile for N900 0.20130620.0.1 Any Updates?

Originally Posted by nieldk (Post 1490124)
Probably so. I is hard to reverse engineer binaries. And there might be legal issues distributing any such thing, if ever done.

What binaries are we talking about here?

Android_808 2015-11-29 22:29

Re: Nemo mobile for N900 0.20130620.0.1 Any Updates?
There's nothing stopping you using some parts of the Mer userland tools and implementing a light weight GUI on top. I'm currently playing with it (repackaged for Debian Jessie) to look at feasibility of updated Maemo/Hildon GTK3.

Mer/Nemo MCE still has a legacy package for LED control etc. statefs is a little bit trickier as it requires Qt5 IIRC so may present a few issues in terms of performance but may actually solve some of the issues in Maemo port (eg xcb).

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