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ajalkane 2015-12-08 19:18

[Announce] Find My Jolla
A little utility to help finding that rare Jolla that just happens to be wherever in your appartment - and of course on silent!

Basically you define a keyphrase, and then you can send an IM or SMS to your phone, and the phone will start alerting you of its location.

Nothing fancy but might be helpful.

Application by ajalkane & qt_junkie.

nieldk 2015-12-08 19:58

Re: [Announce] Find My Jolla
Nice. But .


With this application you can make your phone display an alarm so it can be found even when it's silent.
If I cant find phone. How can I read the alarm text ?

ajalkane 2015-12-08 20:05

Re: [Announce] Find My Jolla

Originally Posted by nieldk (Post 1490909)
Nice. But .

If I cant find phone. How can I read the alarm text ?

You're meant to hear the alarm. Reading text is optional once your precious has been located :P

Dave999 2015-12-08 20:13

Re: [Announce] Find My Jolla
Does it work for Jolla tablet? Can't find mine...

ajalkane 2015-12-08 20:42

Re: [Announce] Find My Jolla

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1490912)
Does it work for Jolla tablet? Can't find mine...

Not yet. Your tablet will be found once I release tablet version!

ajalkane 2015-12-12 21:05

Re: [Announce] Find My Jolla
Update available on OpenRepos:

- Background process. No longer need to have application cover open. But you do need to open the application once after reboot for the background process to be started.
-Saving settings

Boxeri 2015-12-12 21:49

Re: [Announce] Find My Jolla

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1490912)
Does it work for Jolla tablet? Can't find mine...

I laughed. Made my evening, thanks :p

NokiaFanatic 2015-12-12 22:37

Re: [Announce] Find My Jolla

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1490912)
Does it work for Jolla tablet? Can't find mine...

You are too much my friend! :p

crun 2019-09-27 22:10

Re: [Announce] Find My Jolla
Hi @ajalkane

Would you be happy to share the source for this?

I would like to add gps function (I am currently hacking on a gps app)


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