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Paspie 2015-12-10 22:20

If Jolla servers shut down... will brand new devices be updated to the latest OS version?

I bring this up, as Microsoft recently shutdown the servers for OTA updates for Symbian devices. Fortunately it is not too huge of an issue as Symbian devices are mature in the development community and it is possible to flash the latest version from a download-able image. That, or the various custom firmwares such as Delight.

The Jolla phone, on the other hand...I had to send mine back to Finland when the filesystem became too full and the phone became unusable. I tried using the recovery off my Linux desktop beforehand, but to no avail. There is no obvious way to flash a firmware image as it is known for Symbian and Android, I can't even find them online.

MartinK 2015-12-10 22:52

Re: If Jolla servers shut down...
If that happens we are pretty much screwed - there are no (official) images and no third party OS repo mirrors.

If the servers ever go down:
  • it would not be possible to install any store packages
  • any non-store stuff from the official repositories
  • reinstall packages from the official repositories (say after breaking them due to a patching accident)
  • update devices to the latest Sailfish OS version
The last point is maybe the most serious - all factory restores would mean being stuck on a prehistoric Sailfish OS version forever.

Also mentioned on one of the community meetings - the device pings a Jolla hosted server to check if it is online. If I understand it correctly then if this server goes down the device might forever thing it is offline. Someone with more information is welcome to clarify the ramifications of this & if this could be worked around.

salyavin 2015-12-10 23:12

Re: If Jolla servers shut down...
That last point about the ping I had no idea. Maybe we could work around that with a hosts file so it pings somewhere else. The hosts file could be put in an openrepoes package for the somewhat less technical people.

Feathers McGraw 2015-12-10 23:58

Re: If Jolla servers shut down...

nemo ~ $ cat /etc/connman/main.conf

FallbackTimeservers =,,,
NetworkInterfaceBlacklist = p2p,usb,rmnet,rev_rmnet
SingleConnectedTechnology = false
Ipv4StatusUrl =
Ipv6StatusUrl =
PreferredTechnologies = bluetooth,wifi,cellular
PersistentTetheringMode = false
AllowHostnameUpdates = false
TetheringSubnetBlock =
DontBringDownAtStartup = rndis
InputRequestTimeout = 300

Seems like an easy fix. Worry about flashable images and essential packages we can't legally back up & distribute!

coderus 2015-12-11 01:28

Re: If Jolla servers shut down...
Don't forget you can't mirror official "adaptation" repos, because it requires credentials :)

szopin 2015-12-11 02:11

Re: If Jolla servers shut down...

Originally Posted by coderus (Post 1491172)
Don't forget you can't mirror official "adaptation" repos, because it requires credentials :)

Can't one wireshark/mitm the connection (even with n900) and dump all the data that comes in to reproduce it once the servers die? Unless the data is modified for each and every credential, but having single credential reencoding still should be possible
(with sailors still around for the meetings, hopefully some way to backup the latest, even if a bit dodgy from legal pov, should be doable)

m4r0v3r 2015-12-11 14:36

Re: If Jolla servers shut down...
I assume if you have your device, dd backup of everything.

pichlo 2015-12-11 14:48

Re: If Jolla servers shut down...

Originally Posted by m4r0v3r (Post 1491223)
I assume if you have your device, dd backup of everything.

That was my first thought too but imagine you have to do a factory reset. To use dd to restore your device, you will have to enable Developer mode. How?

coderus 2015-12-11 14:58

Re: If Jolla servers shut down...

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1491224)
That was my first thought too but imagine you have to do a factory reset. To use dd to restore your device, you will have to enable Developer mode. How?

No, you only need telnet recovery shell


Originally Posted by szopin (Post 1491173)
Can't one wireshark/mitm the connection (even with n900) and dump all the data that comes in to reproduce it once the servers die? Unless the data is modified for each and every credential, but having single credential reencoding still should be possible
(with sailors still around for the meetings, hopefully some way to backup the latest, even if a bit dodgy from legal pov, should be doable)

Maybe yes, maybe not. But afaik Sailors will backup repos themselves before shutdown.

Originally Posted by m4r0v3r (Post 1491223)
I assume if you have your device, dd backup of everything.

Talking about repos, so you can install packages. No problem to have device on latest available release.

cy8aer 2015-12-11 21:17

Re: If Jolla servers shut down...

Originally Posted by Feathers McGraw (Post 1491171)

nemo ~ $ cat /etc/connman/main.conf

FallbackTimeservers =,,,
NetworkInterfaceBlacklist = p2p,usb,rmnet,rev_rmnet
SingleConnectedTechnology = false
Ipv4StatusUrl =
Ipv6StatusUrl =
PreferredTechnologies = bluetooth,wifi,cellular
PersistentTetheringMode = false
AllowHostnameUpdates = false
TetheringSubnetBlock =
DontBringDownAtStartup = rndis
InputRequestTimeout = 300

Seems like an easy fix. Worry about flashable images and essential packages we can't legally back up & distribute!

It is easy and explained in
But this is for the network status only. And stskeeps talked about this service may be hosted by community members some mer meetings ago.

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