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HtheB 2015-12-14 16:31

A call to all Turkish Jolla users
Hi guys,

Are there any Turkish Jolla users over here?
If so, I would like to suggest all users to join the unofficial Jolla translation project to have Turkish as a Language as well...

Right now, I've requested the language. So I hope it will be available soon :)

Thank you everybody!

HtheB 2015-12-17 23:31

Re: A call to all Turkish Jolla users
No one?....

herdem09 2015-12-18 05:33

Since jolla is not sold in here and the burden of official processes to be able to use a phone bought from abroad, i don't think the topic will reach its goal. I haven't met anyone who even recognizes n900 or MeeGo yet.

HtheB 2015-12-18 06:42

Re: A call to all Turkish Jolla users

Originally Posted by herdem09 (Post 1491950)
Since jolla is not sold in here and the burden of official processes to be able to use a phone bought from abroad, i don't think the topic will reach its goal. I haven't met anyone who even recognizes n900 or MeeGo yet.

I myself don't live jn Turkey as well, doesn't mean there aren't any Turkish people using Jolla. :)

The N9 was sold officially in Turkey by the way... :p

ibrakalifa 2015-12-18 09:16

Re: A call to all Turkish Jolla users

Originally Posted by herdem09 (Post 1491950)
Since jolla is not sold in here and the burden of official processes to be able to use a phone bought from abroad, i don't think the topic will reach its goal. I haven't met anyone who even recognizes n900 or MeeGo yet.

you need to get more people and time to meet new people around, well that such a sign :D

kinggo 2015-12-19 10:08

Re: A call to all Turkish Jolla users
question is, how to try translation on the phone?
I'm not from Turkey obviously and I don't know anyone here who has Jolla. Also, I wanted to do translation a long time ago when things just started but never got any replay from Jolla.
But the thing is, croatian is quite complicated for translation because we need to use a lot more words to make a meaningful translation and that is the problem on small screens. Also, translating just string without seeing the whole context can end up pretty bad. I did translation for guayadeque a long time ago and it was very difficult. So translation for the whole OS can be just way more difficult but if I decide to get into it I would like to do it the best I can (for no one ATM but maybe jolla can/will use that later on) but without the way to try that on the phone I'm not even willing to start the project.

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