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saponga 2016-01-13 12:21

Camera phone competition January 2016:"Arts"
Ok... Let`s get started !!! The theme for this month is broad and potentially full of beauty. Any kind of art counts: Painting, drawing, sculpturing, tattooing even photographing :D
Came on guys !!! We have only half month this time !!!

The rules are:
Photos must be taken during this month
Photos must be taken by the posting member
Photos must be taken with a camera phone
Users post only one photo per entry
Users can change the entry only once
Users must name the phone they used
(so I could include it for voting)
Last three days of this month are for voting

Half-Life_4_Life 2016-01-13 16:56

Re: Camera phone competition January 2016:"Arts"
Yaay, arts! And the first time someone made a new competition thread other than me! :D

Dongle Fongle 2016-01-13 18:01

Re: Camera phone competition January 2016:"Arts"
Exciting theme!

Wikiwide 2016-01-14 05:23

Re: Camera phone competition January 2016:"Arts"
Please, take care of tags. They are more useful than typing "camera competition" in search field. Though, tags have length limit...

Thank you. Best wishes.

saponga 2016-01-25 15:34

Re: Camera phone competition January 2016:"Arts"
This month`s theme is sooooo easy !!! :D:D:D
N900 as always.

late88 2016-01-25 18:39

Re: Camera phone competition January 2016:"Arts"
1 Attachment(s)
Picture taken with Jolla phone.

saponga 2016-01-28 09:33

Re: Camera phone competition January 2016:"Arts"
Few days left guys... Hurry up !

robthebold 2016-01-28 15:40

Taken with N9 and Camera+

Cropped and color/contrast adjusted a little with gallery editor.

Some local public art.

Before the growth of suburbia in the mid 20th century, public art installed both by private and public entities was quite common here. But the featurelessness of the suburbs curtailed that. Fortunately, by the 1990s, this was addressed both with various initiatives promoting both publicly and privately funded works. Some are more popular than others. I skipped the better known stuff and braved the Canada Geese and their leavings to get a shot of this abstract piece.

Also, just for fun, including a second unedited non-competition entry because I thought it was cool to see this shot got photo-bombed by a great blue heron tn the background.

pichlo 2016-01-28 16:22

Re: Camera phone competition January 2016:"Arts"
Finally one that qualifies! ;)

Just one small thing: the IMG tags go around the URL, not before it :)

robthebold 2016-01-28 16:37

Re: Camera phone competition January 2016:"Arts"

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1496767)
Finally one that qualifies! ;)

Just one small thing: the IMG tags go around the URL, not before it :)

Have you ever tried to get the "paste" bubble to appear in the N9 maemo talk applet without bringing up the dictionary instead? :p My kingdom for a cursor key!!! (Four cursor keys, really. Or at least a stylus on a best-of-both-worlds capacitoresistive screen, that supported multi-touch and precision pointing. All I want is everything, I guess.) Every time I gotta go back with something that's got a keyboard to straighten that out . . .

(Although the second pic I didn't bother to even do that and intentionally left just as a raw URL since I didn't want it to distract from my actual entry.)

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