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Schturman 2016-03-21 18:47

[BUG?] Notification about Android support update (Jolla phone).
2 Attachment(s)
I asked it a few days ago on TJC, but no answers for now... (
Maybe here someone have some ideas...
I started to get store notification about Android support update. Once I pressed on it and store opened, I opened Android support page and it shown me "Not installed". I'm tried to install and store crashed. I restarted lipstick and all my folders gone, I got one big mess with all icons on the homescreen...
I checked "btrfs-balancer allocation" and it was 100%. I did "btrfs balance start /" and now I have 83%.
Setup all icons to new folders and all looks good. But I still get this notifications, sometimes a 2-3 times in the day ! But when I press on it, store didn't show any updates...
Sometimes after dalvik and lipstick restart, this message disappear for a while...

Someone know what this ? Why it happens or how to fix it without wiping aliendalvik and reinstalling all stuff again?

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