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fw190 2016-04-18 09:23

Random reboots

My freshly bought N900 is not cooperating with me ;(

I get random reboots - on a freshly flashed, on CSSU T, on CSSU Thumb - no matter which I flash the reboots come again.

cat /var/lib/dsme/stats/lifeguard_resets


/usr/bin/systemui: 1
/usr/bin/hildon-home: 2
/usr/bin/camera-ui: 1
/usr/bin/ohm-session-agent: 2

cat /proc/bootreason


Any help what to do with this problem?

tmi 2016-04-18 11:16

Re: Random reboots
Maybe this is of some help, though the reboot problem should be fixed :

(My, that URL just looks weird in this context)

A bit dumb but cheap suggestion to try: a new battery.

skanky 2016-04-18 11:58

Re: Random reboots

Originally Posted by tmi (Post 1503940)
A bit dumb but cheap suggestion to try: a new battery.

It was a battery that was causing my random reboots. So might be worth a try.

fw190 2016-04-18 12:55

Re: Random reboots
My wife's Lumia 520 has the same battery so before buying a new one I will do a secret swap for testing ;)

The strange thing is that sometimes a get a reboot under heavy load with many apps running and sometimes it happens just with one thing opened.

elros34 2016-04-18 13:24

Re: Random reboots
I had random reboots on my n900 with dying gsm. It was long time ago so I am not sure but probably with tablet mode on there was no problems (except broken EMMC :P).

pichlo 2016-04-18 14:24

Re: Random reboots

Originally Posted by fw190 (Post 1503946)
The strange thing is that sometimes a get a reboot under heavy load with many apps running and sometimes it happens just with one thing opened.

Do you have a SIM card in that phone? That "out of the blue" reboot may be caused by a sudden spike of current caused by e.g. a call or an SMS about to be received.

fw190 2016-04-18 18:51

Re: Random reboots
Yes - there is a sim but it is disabled by default - I use an app to turn the phone into tablet mode. I just turn it on to receive sms from my bank, the turn it off.

peterleinchen 2016-04-18 20:18

Re: Random reboots
Everything above said is possible.

I always go for some isopropanol alcohol to clean up contacts.
And in this special N900 case you may bend the "spring" metal clips, holding the battery, a bit inwards.

Good luck...

freemangordon 2016-04-19 05:32

Re: Random reboots

Originally Posted by peterleinchen (Post 1503981)
And in this special N900 case you may bend the "spring" metal clips, holding the battery, a bit inwards.

Good luck...

Yep, start with bending those springs a bit.

fw190 2016-04-19 09:41

Re: Random reboots
Funny thing - I wanted to do what you proposed so I have pushed the power off buton and selected switch off, and the phone rebooted by itself instead of turning off...
The second time it turned off.

The contacts look like brand new so I just bended the clips. Will report later.

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