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romu 2016-04-30 16:20

OOM best settings with 2.0.1.x ?
I start this thread to discuss the OOM (Out Of Memory) settings on SFOS 2.0.1.x, because I find it pretty agressive. I just had only the browser opened, one tab (Pocket page) in normal mode and 2 tabs in private mode. And when I closed one of the 2 private tabs, I see the first one to reload (it was open 2 mns ago and didn't switch or sleep the phone).

My overcommit ratio is 75%, I just wanna know if there are some other settings I can try to limit the OOM impact.


Boxeri 2016-04-30 18:24

Re: OOM best settings with 2.0.1.x ?
I have received the update notification, but have not yet updated. Are you saying that the OOM has gotten more agressive again? I feel that it is quite good now, so don't want to ruin it for marginal updates.

wrm 2016-04-30 18:28

Re: OOM best settings with 2.0.1.x ?
There are. But i think tabs are not realated with oom killer. maybe i am wrong. you can have loads of them on opera browser without any crashes.

pichlo 2016-04-30 19:26

Re: OOM best settings with 2.0.1.x ?
Tabs reloading is the stock browser bug. It is related to OOM only marginally, in the sense that by not caching the open tabs, they are trying to reduce the RAM usage to reduce the chance of OOM. If the real OOM kicked in, the whole browser would be killed, not just some tabs needed reloading.

I agree it is annoying as hell especially if you are entering some data in the tab that gets reloaded. I am sure Stskeeps et al would call it a feature but I call it unquestionably a bug. No other mobile device I have ever used does that, not even this cheap and underpowered Android tablet I am using right now.

Schturman 2016-04-30 21:16

Re: OOM best settings with 2.0.1.x ?
OOM still aggressive like in

nieldk 2016-05-01 06:49

Re: OOM best settings with 2.0.1.x ?
Have been answered herr

Schturman 2016-05-01 07:39

Re: OOM best settings with 2.0.1.x ?

Originally Posted by nieldk (Post 1504707)

Yep, I tried this, but result is not so good... It worked well something like 30min, after this phone going be very lagging...

nieldk 2016-05-01 08:23

Re: OOM best settings with 2.0.1.x ?

Originally Posted by Schturman (Post 1504711)
Yep, I tried this, but result is not so good... It worked well something like 30min, after this phone going be very lagging...

Of course ;)

Thats one reason its implemented.
Dont turn OOM off alltogether

pichlo 2016-05-01 12:22

Re: OOM best settings with 2.0.1.x ?
Just out of interest, what are you people doing to see OOM and lags? I saw lots of them in the past but not a single since Saimaa. I have two text editors, two file browsers, two terminals and one browser with three tabs open. I am grepping for something in one terminal and compiling in the other, while I am typing this post. All working smoothly.

Schturman 2016-05-01 13:39

Re: OOM best settings with 2.0.1.x ?

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1504722)
Just out of interest, what are you people doing to see OOM and lags? I saw lots of them in the past but a single since Saimaa. I have two text editors, two file browsers, two terminals and one browser with three tabs open. I am grepping for something in one terminal and compiling in the other, while I am typing this post. All working smoothly.

WhatsApp, Mail, Browser (3-4 tabs), Phone, FileTug (1) - By playing with one of them after some time I can see zombie cover of or mail, or browser or WhatsApp etc... Sometimes only one zombie cover, sometimes almost all of them...

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