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JohnHughes 2016-05-29 08:39

End of the line
It is with great sadness that I am obliged to inform the world of the impending death of my AC-10E.

After many years of loyal service, charging two N900s, an N9 and two Jollas it appears to be developing a fault in its's cable.

Even though it suffered the indignity of having it's connector filed down to avoid damaging the fragile N900 connector it ithe only charger I've ever had that could charge any telephone, including deep discharged N900's.

It's only regret is that it didn't last long enough to charge a Neo900.


No flowers by request.

peterleinchen 2016-05-29 10:24

Re: End of the line
My deepest compassion!

stickymick 2016-05-29 12:27

Re: End of the line
There's 100s of AC-10E chargers on ebay and Amazon.

Android_808 2016-05-29 15:27

Re: End of the line
I've been meaning to order a new one for a while (AC-10X IIRC in the UK). The outer black plastic of the lead about 10cm from the USB connector is cracked in a few places and exposing the other leads inside. Still works but not trusting it 100% as a result. Still, after years of use I suppose it's allowed to be a little worse for wear. It has never suffered from being filed down, the USB charger in the phone is still rock solid without any mods to strengthen it. :p

On a similar note, the Ethernet lead to my router seems to be suffering a similar fate. For some reason the black solid(non-braided) plastic outer casing has started to, for want of a better word, unravel. Imagine pushing the ends of a twisted rope together so the middle piece becomes loose, that's what its like.

Makes me wonder if at this rate I'll have to start treating all the leads for PC/Laptop/Phone with something.

Boemien 2016-05-29 17:47

Re: End of the line

Originally Posted by stickymick (Post 1506463)
There's 100s of AC-10E chargers on ebay and Amazon.

I guess that one was unique...Mine still fact i feel a bit ashamed to tell you that it is charging my android phone :D

peterleinchen 2016-05-29 18:22

Re: End of the line

Originally Posted by JohnHughes (Post 1506452)
It is with great sadness that I am obliged to inform the world of the impending death of my AC-10E.

As said above.


After many years of loyal service, charging two N900s, an N9 and two Jollas it appears to be developing a fault in its's cable.
Same here. But fault in cable is more a break (fixed with duct and electric tape). Luckily I have two other. :)
And I can add one tablet to that line. :D


Even though it suffered the indignity of having it's connector filed down to avoid damaging the fragile N900 connector it ithe only charger I've ever had that could charge any telephone, including deep discharged N900's.
I filed down all of mine (incl. single USB cables) to keep n900 USB intact.


It's only regret is that it didn't last long enough to charge a Neo900.
We will see ...

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