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gabrielw 2016-06-28 16:34

My nokia n900 fell to the toilet
my nokia n900 fell to the toilet, turn on the screen that says NOKIA but does not start and turns itself off. how can I reparte it?

mosen 2016-06-28 16:46

Re: My nokia n900 fell to the toilet
Try to cover it in rice for some hours.
It can also help to ventilate with a fan or blow dryer while covered in rice.

gabrielw 2016-06-28 16:50

Re: My nokia n900 fell to the toilet

Originally Posted by mosen (Post 1508574)
Try to cover it in rice for some hours.
It can also help to ventilate with a fan or blow dryer while covered in rice.

Yes, it felt on saturday, since sunday it is in say it must be more time in rice? I ventilated it with a blow dryer too..

aspergerguy 2016-06-28 16:56

Re: My nokia n900 fell to the toilet

Originally Posted by gabrielw (Post 1508575)
Yes, it felt on saturday, since sunday it is in say it must be more time in rice? I ventilated it with a blow dryer too..

Hope you yanked battery out soonest, wonder whether immersion in distilled water immediately after could have been indicated so no electrolytes left. Unfortunately outlook does not look good now as quickly corrodes.

RiD 2016-06-28 16:57

Re: My nokia n900 fell to the toilet
I hope the toilet didn't have piss or poop.

EDIT: Or even blood, for the ladies.

gabrielw 2016-06-28 17:02

Re: My nokia n900 fell to the toilet

Originally Posted by RiD (Post 1508579)
I hope the toilet didn't have piss or poop.

EDIT: Or even blood, for the ladies.

I thinks it had piss. Can I make another thing besides wait more days? Can I restart it in some way?

gabrielw 2016-06-28 17:18

Re: My nokia n900 fell to the toilet
Can I do hard reset with the n900 off?

aspergerguy 2016-06-28 17:47

Re: My nokia n900 fell to the toilet

Originally Posted by gabrielw (Post 1508581)
Can I do hard reset with the n900 off?

Unfortunately not, think that you are going to have to accept microSD is the only recoverable item here.

sixwheeledbeast 2016-06-28 17:47

Re: My nokia n900 fell to the toilet
If your device drops in water, remove battery, sim and memory card.
Towel dry gently, leave in rice or silica gel for a good few days.

Only sure way to know if it's dry is opening it up.

pichlo 2016-06-28 17:48

Re: My nokia n900 fell to the toilet
Maybe you could try cleaning it. If it has never been opened then there would be a lot of gunk inside (dust, tar if you are a smoker, lint...) and a water ingress will make it all soak and stick to the board. All the worse if the water was dirty. I would open it up and try to clean it as well as I can. A dry, soft tootbrush to brush off all the dried gunk and then cotton wool on a stick soaked in isopropyl alcohol to clean the residues. You do not need to dry it in rice afterwards, just air dry it for a few minutes. Or hours to be safe. I cannot promise it will do the trick, the damage has already been done. But for the same reason, you have little to lose.

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