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lal 2016-07-31 12:21

Intex Aqua Fish recurring activation sms
So this now is an annoying issue for many Aqua Fish owners. And some claim, they don't have it. Anyway, I hope this thread can give some insights or even possibly solve the issue on Aqua Fish. May be the next update will solve it, but patience has limits and curiousity does not.

This is what I know. At every boot, systemd starts a service to send an sms to a predefined number after three hours of uptime and stops the service.


[root@Sailfish nemo]# cat /usr/lib/systemd/user/sms-activation-intex.service
Description=Sends an activation SMS to Intex



I suppose commenting "ExecStart=..intex" should prevent the code to send sms from executing.

The coonfiguration file has the number to which sms is sent.

[root@Sailfish nemo]# cat /var/lib/environment/sms-activation-intex/sms-activation-intex.conf

So I checked the path which mention the activation completed file. And there is no ".sms-activation-intex-done" file created, which may be triggering the sms sending procedure after a reboot again.

Can I simply delete the .service and .timer files, of course after making a backup at some other location? Or how can I prevent that being run at every boot?

And could AquaFish owners who are not facing the recurring sms issue please check location /mnt/vendor/data for the file ".sms-intex-activation-done" and share its content if that doesn't seem to be something confidential like a unique activation code.

Masking the timer seems to be a working solution for now.
Refer this post. Thanks to mautz!

lantern 2016-07-31 12:27

Re: Intex Aqua Fish recurring activation sms
I would just rip this stuff off.
There's no place on Sailfish for this cheap-noname-china-android-phone-malware stuff.

napaDokc 2016-07-31 12:53

Re: Intex Aqua Fish recurring activation sms
China..? Isn't that India?^^

lantern 2016-07-31 13:06

Re: Intex Aqua Fish recurring activation sms

Originally Posted by napaDokc (Post 1511374)
China..? Isn't that India?^^

It is. But cheap china android phones are notorious for having malware in stock fw.

bhavin192 2016-07-31 14:37

Re: Intex Aqua Fish recurring activation sms
That's great :)
Don't know why I didn't try to find.

what if we create the file ".sms-intex-activation-done" manually?
I'm having same issue and no file in /mnt/vendor_data

mautz 2016-07-31 15:30

Re: Intex Aqua Fish recurring activation sms
Why don't you just disable the service?

bhavin192 2016-07-31 16:25

Re: Intex Aqua Fish recurring activation sms

Originally Posted by mautz (Post 1511387)
Why don't you just disable the service?

:p LOL
That's what I was thinking about but I was trying with systemctl :D
there is pkcon for that.

mautz 2016-07-31 16:59

Re: Intex Aqua Fish recurring activation sms
The TJC post has nothing to do with the sms service described here.

just stop the service with:

systemctl --user stop sms-activation-intex.service

and see if the problem is gone. To disable the service permanently use:

systemctl --user disable sms-activation-intex.service

lal 2016-07-31 17:18

Re: Intex Aqua Fish recurring activation sms

Originally Posted by mautz (Post 1511395)
The TJC post has nothing to do with the sms service described here.

just stop the service with:

systemctl --user stop sms-activation-intex.service

and see if the problem is gone. To disable the service permanently use:

systemctl --user disable sms-activation-intex.service

Thanks! I just disabled it. Will reboot the phone now and see if it sends further sms after three hours.

bhavin192 2016-07-31 17:21

Re: Intex Aqua Fish recurring activation sms

Originally Posted by mautz (Post 1511395)
The TJC post has nothing to do with the sms service described here.

just stop the service with:

systemctl --user stop sms-activation-intex.service

and see if the problem is gone. To disable the service permanently use:

systemctl --user disable sms-activation-intex.service

So --user was missing :(
It doesn't need root privileges also
thanks :)

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