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AlinGheaja 2016-08-18 20:59

im back! and i got a new n900 !
hello maemo,its been a long time since i entered here.
last time was in 2010 when i had n900,and after 4 monthgs i traded it for a iphone 3gs.
and today i got a very cheap n900,for under 30$ ,and it looks brand new. i forgot most of the stuff i did on the phone,tweaks and stuff.
i noticed ovi store from were i use to install bounce and other apps is gone.. :( is there a way to install bounce from other source ?
is there still use for this phone now ? is some1 still using it ?

N912 2016-08-19 07:14

Re: im back! and i got a new n900 !
Welcome home.

Before you start tweaking your device, i suggest taking a look into the wiki and flashing the latest Firmware/CSSU.

HtheB 2016-08-19 08:17

Re: im back! and i got a new n900 !

Originally Posted by AlinGheaja (Post 1512943)
hello maemo,its been a long time since i entered here.
last time was in 2010 when i had n900,and after 4 monthgs i traded it for a iphone 3gs.
and today i got a very cheap n900,for under 30$ ,and it looks brand new. i forgot most of the stuff i did on the phone,tweaks and stuff.
i noticed ovi store from were i use to install bounce and other apps is gone.. :( is there a way to install bounce from other source ?
is there still use for this phone now ? is some1 still using it ?

You can check out for bounce and the OVI repository

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