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humble 2016-09-19 13:03

[Resurrecting] DON (Develop-On-N900)
1 Attachment(s)
This package provides a an quick and easy way to set up maemo-sdk-rootstrap on the N900 via an image stored in MyDocs.

It contains four commands:

don-install... which should only be ran once!!! I did managed to put some safety measures in; but its not bullet proof as yet.
don-remove... which removes the whole installation. Safe to re-run don-install after this.
don-start & don-stop... which it does respectively, one starts and one stops don.

The main purpose of don is for one to be able to compile stuff on the device without having to worry about your rootfs space.


*Internet connection

apt-get install rootsh tar wget easy-chroot
I decided to use C++ only in this release... the original DON started as a python script then grew to my first pyqt app... long story short i like C++ better... so no desktop shortcut or GUI yet or if ever... it depends if i can get a good development environment set up... do to Nokia killing a few key counterparts of there SDK mainly the repository...

anywho enjoy:)

I'm open to any suggestion & request; just hit me in the pm:cool:

Version 0.1 -current

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