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bingomion 2016-10-21 01:31

The new Nintendo switch has a N900 stand! :D

HtheB 2016-10-21 06:12

Re: The new Nintendo switch has a N900 stand! :D
What about the Microsoft Surface tablets?....
They also have a kickstand...

bingomion 2016-10-21 08:56

Re: The new Nintendo switch has a N900 stand! :D
kickstand.. is that what it's called.. cool!

nthn 2016-10-21 09:18

Re: The new Nintendo switch has a N900 stand! :D
What does the video have to do with anything?

HtheB 2016-10-21 19:18

Re: The new Nintendo switch has a N900 stand! :D

Originally Posted by nthn (Post 1517115)
What does the video have to do with anything?

The OP is referring to this kickstand (like the N900 has):

railroadmaster 2016-11-08 06:22

Re: The new Nintendo switch has a N900 stand! :D
I think it could be interesting. It has a cartridge slot, which makes hacking the thing infinitely easier. The Nvidia processor should make running Linux on it easier. Maybe Retropie or Dingux could be ported over. There are rumors of a microsd card slot which would enable storing backups, media or other programs. There is also rumors of a type c port which could be used for otg or connecting to a computer to extract cartridge data.
I realize Nintendo could probably put some security system on it, however any security system can be broken. The PS3 was originally unhackable and now it is easy to hack.

gerbick 2016-11-08 16:11

Re: The new Nintendo switch has a N900 stand! :D

Originally Posted by railroadmaster (Post 1518303)
I think it could be interesting. It has a cartridge slot, which makes hacking the thing infinitely easier. The Nvidia processor should make running Linux on it easier. Maybe Retropie or Dingux could be ported over. There are rumors of a microsd card slot which would enable storing backups, media or other programs. There is also rumors of a type c port which could be used for otg or connecting to a computer to extract cartridge data.
I realize Nintendo could probably put some security system on it, however any security system can be broken. The PS3 was originally unhackable and now it is easy to hack.

Okay, in reverse order: Sony PS3 had Linux on it, then they removed it. That resulted in a lawsuit but honestly - I ran it. It was ****ing useless. It took almost 10 years to get to where the PS3 is easy to hack. Simply put... I don't have time to waste for that.

Why buy a gaming machine just to place Linux on it and then lose functionality? Typical of those types of devices, the folks will have to come up to speed on the chipsets chosen, find (or complain about the utter lack of) drivers and then try to make it work with very limited success. Linux doesn't need to be everywhere. Want emulation, buy one of the many emulation devices out there without losing functionality of the specialized gaming device such as the Nintendo Switch.

railroadmaster 2016-11-08 16:41

Re: The new Nintendo switch has a N900 stand! :D

Originally Posted by gerbick (Post 1518315)
Okay, in reverse order: Sony PS3 had Linux on it, then they removed it. That resulted in a lawsuit but honestly - I ran it. It was ****ing useless. It took almost 10 years to get to where the PS3 is easy to hack. Simply put... I don't have time to waste for that.

Why buy a gaming machine just to place Linux on it and then lose functionality? Typical of those types of devices, the folks will have to come up to speed on the chipsets chosen, find (or complain about the utter lack of) drivers and then try to make it work with very limited success. Linux doesn't need to be everywhere. Want emulation, buy one of the many emulation devices out there without losing functionality of the specialized gaming device such as the Nintendo Switch.

The Nintendo Wii and Wii U could be hacked easily, the security of Nintendo consoles is always inferior. Given that Sony Security systems have been broken, whatever this has can be broken. Finally I have hacked several consoles and iy almost never breaks them, even a Linux installation can be undone via a factory reset.

gerbick 2016-11-08 16:48

Re: The new Nintendo switch has a N900 stand! :D
Does it really add any worth?

From my experience, heck no.

railroadmaster 2016-11-08 18:30

Re: The new Nintendo switch has a N900 stand! :D

Originally Posted by gerbick (Post 1518318)
Does it really add any worth?

From my experience, heck no.

I like running homebrew programs and sometimes emulators. Cartridges and discs can wear out so having backups is useful.

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