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sylwiusz 2016-11-06 14:42

N9 again
I'm thinking of getting N9 again :-) But as far as I can see situation has changed since 2014. OVI shop is closed. Nokia accounts non-working. I gathered some info about workarounds (like open repo, changing .ini files for apps that depends on Nokia account login like Maps), but I still have some unanswered questions. Would somebody help please? :-)
1. I used to use Feedly to aggregate RSS feeds, and back in time I used to use Gnewsreader, which supported Feedly, but it was available only on OVI Store. Is there any chance to find .deb version? Where do you look for .deb files coming from non-funct now OVI Store apps?
2. We all now that Skype will probably stop working by the beginning of 2017 due to MS decision of moving its infrastructure to the cloud. But we still have built in GoogleTalk/Hangouts client in system accounts nicely integrated with the rest of apps (contacts). I hope it is functional? I'm using Hangouts quite a lot and not having this option in N9 would be hard to overcome when Skype stops working...
3. I'm looking for a medium advanced note taking app that could synchronize accross various devices. I know there were a Notekeeper (compatible with Evernote) in OVI store, but now it is gone (although source code is released on their site). But maybe I'm missing something else interesting here?
TIA - I'll probably try to get a nice N9 somewhere on auctions or similar ;-)

genes 2016-11-06 18:00

Re: N9 again

sylwiusz 2016-11-06 18:03

Re: N9 again

Originally Posted by genes (Post 1518177)

Thanks, I saw that, but the only link there gives only 404 :-/
Edit: registration was required. It was a long time since I had to use Russian, but I managed to do so and Gnewsreader .deb is now mine, so if somebody wants it ;-) Thanks again! Shouldn't we have all such a orphaned coming from OVI Store .debs in one place for every Maemo/Meego fan?

sylwiusz 2016-11-06 18:21

Re: N9 again
And thanks to this Russian forum I have a .deb for MeeNote - a client of Simplenote note taking site. N9 alive and kicking! Nice!

aspergerguy 2016-11-06 19:50

Re: N9 again

Originally Posted by sylwiusz (Post 1518178)
registration was required. It was a long time since I had to use Russian, but I managed to do so and Gnewsreader .deb is now mine

Similarly available from all without registration at:

Just hit link in blue next to file size(313kb)

sylwiusz 2016-11-06 20:49

Re: N9 again
Great! Many thanks too! :-)

danpio 2016-11-06 22:45

Re: N9 again

Originally Posted by sylwiusz (Post 1518200)
Great! Many thanks too! :-)

Odezwij się do mnie na TT @danpio :)

badpixel 2016-11-07 18:02

Re: N9 again

Originally Posted by danpio (Post 1518210)
Odezwij się do mnie na TT @danpio :)

A co to TT? (definitely not Tourist Throphy in that context ;-)

mp107 2016-11-07 19:09

Re: N9 again
Chyba o Twitter chodzi.
Suppose the Twitter.

sylwiusz 2016-11-07 21:35

Re: N9 again
Definitively Twitter, we were talking with Danpio there today ;-)

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