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jukey 2016-12-04 16:41

Debug an android app (lichess chrashing on Jolla Talet)

I installed the open source Android application lichess on my JollaTablet. I chose the x86 version and it worked. I now can run the application but unfortunately it crashes as soon as I try to do something that involves a chess board.


- Watch a game
- Solve a puzzle
- Play a game

The app crashes and I get the error message 'Unfortunately, lichess has stopped'.

I would like to investigate this further. Is it possible to get debug information or a log of things that happen during the usage of Android Apps in Alien Dalvik?

Btw. the lichess app works great on the Jolla Phone! :)

Thanks and Cheers


coderus 2016-12-04 18:03

Re: Debug an android app (lichess chrashing on Jolla Talet)
install ARM version, because of broken ABI in Jolla Tablet aliendalvik.

jukey 2016-12-05 18:11

Re: Debug an android app (lichess chrashing on Jolla Talet)

Originally Posted by coderus (Post 1519995)
install ARM version, because of broken ABI in Jolla Tablet aliendalvik.

I did. However not I get the following error messages while launching the app:

"The Crosswalk Project Service must be updated to match the CPU architecture of the device. Please install it from the app store, then restart lichess." followed by the buttons: "Close" and "Get Crosswalk"

If I select "Close" the app is closed.

If I select "Get Crosswalk" the following message appears:

"The application stores on your device don't support Crosswalk Project Service. Please download Crosswalk Project Service manually from the official website ("

If I do not press a button but wait another error message appears:

"The connection to the Server was unsuccessful. (file:///android_asset/www/index.html)"

coderus 2016-12-05 20:44

Re: Debug an android app (lichess chrashing on Jolla Talet)
Interesting. Check sailfish journalctl and dalvik /opt/alien/system/bin/logcat

jukey 2016-12-06 19:30

Re: Debug an android app (lichess chrashing on Jolla Talet)

Originally Posted by coderus (Post 1520063)
Interesting. Check sailfish journalctl and dalvik /opt/alien/system/bin/logcat

Hi coderus,

doing journalctl I always get the message "no journal files found". Do I need to enable this first?

I created logs while running the ARM version and the X86 version of the installed apk as described in my former posts.

You can find and download the files here:

- X86 log
- ARM log

Do you see any hint for one of the issues I described?

coderus 2016-12-06 19:41

Re: Debug an android app (lichess chrashing on Jolla Talet)
for journalctl you need to do devel-su before :)
and your logs doesnt like to contain any activities launching apps

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