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j.s 2016-12-06 00:29

omweather update or replacement
Hello, I haven't been on the forum for a few years. Sorry if this has been covered, but I am coming up empty on internet searches.

I've been using omweather since n800 and n810 days, and it has been working fine on my n900 until some months ago, when temperature and everything else stopped updating and I can't find any way to update the application itself.

If omweather is defunct, is the something else I can use on the n900 that lets me see current conditions by just glancing at the screen?


robthebold 2016-12-06 04:19

Re: omweather update or replacement
It's still working for me. I use as the source, and so far so good. Which source(s) are you using?

Android_808 2016-12-06 08:57

Re: omweather update or replacement
i had to switch to extras-devel version

bencoh 2016-12-06 10:22

Re: omweather update or replacement

Originally Posted by Android_808 (Post 1520094)
i had to switch to extras-devel version

I've actually noticed it stopped working a few months ago as well and never bothered fixing it (I thought it would be some ssl-related issue).
Upgrading omweather-weather-com-stations-db to latest extras-devel version (1.0.8) did the trick indeed.
Thanks ! :)

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