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robthebold 2017-08-21 14:51

Greetings from the eclipse !
Parked with about 50000 of my closest friends to see the Great American Eclipse of 2017!

Anyone else taking the day off across the USA or elsewhere to watch?

Dave999 2017-08-21 15:39

Re: Greetings from the eclipse !

Originally Posted by robthebold (Post 1532987)
Parked with about 50000 of my closest friends to see the Great American Eclipse of 2017!

Anyone else taking the day off across the USA or elsewhere to watch?

So you are planning to make America eclipse great again? I'm not planning to watch. No. Thank you for asking.

This is a subject for the countdown thread. How would anyone know when it happens without a countdown down. Make sure to prep it next time ;)

Reading the subject I tought it was the IDE :D

DA5 2017-08-21 16:00

Re: Greetings from the eclipse !
Just the partial eclipse. Clouds permitting.

mscion 2017-08-21 18:05

Re: Greetings from the eclipse !
Will get 80% at peak. 2:42EST

pichlo 2017-08-21 18:13

Re: Greetings from the eclipse !

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1532988)
How would anyone know when it happens without a countdown down.

As opposed to countdown up? :D

I envy you guys. There are three natural phenomena I always wanted to experience. A full solar eclipse is one of them.

mscion 2017-08-21 18:58

Re: Greetings from the eclipse !
Saw it with a group of folks from work. It was pretty cool. Used protective glasses that were handed out to everyone. Right at the peak some clouds passed through and everyone groaned. But it was still fun!

gerbick 2017-08-21 19:44

Re: Greetings from the eclipse !
90% here at 2:42pm - clouds came in right before the eclipse but it was still viewable.

juiceme 2017-08-22 07:50

Re: Greetings from the eclipse !
It's pretty neat to see a midday eclipse I think, unfortunately I've ever been able to see full eclipses that occured just at dawn when the sun was around 5° up from the horizon.

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