Showing results 1 to 22 of 22 @ 0.01 seconds. Search: Posts Made By: Rav
Forum: Competitors 2011-11-16, 12:06
Replies: 977
Views: 462,578
Posted By Rav
Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

After 2 years with my N900 I decided it was time for a change, there are areas that the N900 is showing it's age. My bitter disappointment with Nokia abandoning NIT/Maemo/MeeGo meant I started...
Forum: Applications 2011-03-29, 13:49
Replies: 1,230
Views: 529,869
Posted By Rav
Re: [Maemo 5] fAircrack (Aircrack GUI)

Hi Guys,

Thanks to FRuMMaGe for all his efforts!

Can someone help me, I have a WEP WLAN, I keep getting de-authentication messages when attempting to authenticate, using the packet capture...
Forum: General 2011-02-11, 17:02
Replies: 1,963
Views: 575,148
Posted By Rav
Smile Re: Nokia - Microsoft partnership (merged threads)

I think that was me, or what I was trying to articulate :)
Forum: General 2011-02-11, 16:05
Replies: 1,963
Views: 575,148
Posted By Rav
Re: Nokia - Microsoft partnership (merged threads)

What a very sad day for Finland and Europe in general, I feared the worse with a North American CEO running the show, we can now all be subjected to the US style hyped, dumbed down, closed, mass...
Forum: General 2011-02-11, 14:15
Replies: 11
Views: 4,047
Posted By Rav
Re: I woke up today and my N900 still works!

Today's announcement probably means I will go and buy another N900!
Forum: Themes 2011-02-08, 21:18
Replies: 175
Views: 88,392
Posted By Rav
Re: D4rKworKs - M4riNa D4rK Theme/Icons

D4rKlar, thanks for your fantastic work!!! It's really appreciated. Could you point me to the clock theme files as the only thing I can see attached to your first post in the hildon mod deb file??...
Forum: Applications 2011-02-06, 20:26
Replies: 168
Views: 76,502
Posted By Rav
Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide

I guess you mean right click, not left? Yes I agree the web interface extension helps in this respect however you can also delete downloads from the Links -> Clean Up menu.
Forum: Applications 2011-02-06, 20:21
Replies: 168
Views: 76,502
Posted By Rav
Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide

Paddy, sorry for not making this clearer, I hope you managed to undo this by using casketizer's advice, I've updated the guide to make this point explicitly clear so that nobody else trips up on this!
Forum: Applications 2011-02-06, 20:07
Replies: 168
Views: 76,502
Posted By Rav
Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide

Good observation casketizer, although inferred indirectly, I should of made this explicitly clear in the guide, I will update it to reflect this important point.

Forum: Applications 2011-02-06, 20:03
Replies: 168
Views: 76,502
Posted By Rav
Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide

It is today, but tomorrow? Even in that thread the developers quite rightly warn of the risks in deploying bleeding edge builds, but I guess the option is there for anyone who understands and is...
Forum: Nokia N900 2011-02-04, 21:26
Replies: 33
Views: 15,758
Posted By Rav
Re: Java question

Any problems with jDownloader please refer to my thread:
Forum: Applications 2011-02-04, 21:22
Replies: 168
Views: 76,502
Posted By Rav
jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide


I hope someone finds this useful, a big thanks to Megaltariak for his posts on another thread that allowed me to successfully get jDownloader working. I will copy some of his steps and add my...
Forum: Applications 2011-02-04, 20:41
Replies: 168
Views: 330,444
Posted By Rav
Re: MS Office viewer for the N900?

I concur with this, I'm running at 900MHz and once loaded Open Office is very much usable, just remember to use your stylus!!
Forum: General 2011-02-04, 18:54
Replies: 21
Views: 6,723
Posted By Rav
Re: A forward thinking strategy for Nokia - Do we even need a mobile platform?

I don't think this is true at all, especially when talking about Linux, you can start with a minimal distro like Slackware or Arch Linux and scale up perfectly well without any bloat.
Forum: General 2011-02-04, 18:50
Replies: 21
Views: 6,723
Posted By Rav
Re: A forward thinking strategy for Nokia - Do we even need a mobile platform?

The thing is, I wouldn't see such a concept in direct competition with iOS, as it is simply as mass market solution that is seriously flawed when it comes to the needs of a power user. I'm talking...
Forum: General 2011-02-04, 18:35
Replies: 21
Views: 6,723
Posted By Rav
Re: A forward thinking strategy for Nokia - Do we even need a mobile platform?


Perhaps I am missing the point, could you explain?

What would constitute mobile user's needs? After spending a few days practically using some of the full desktop apps on the N900 I firmly...
Forum: General 2011-02-04, 13:58
Replies: 21
Views: 6,723
Posted By Rav
A forward thinking strategy for Nokia - Do we even need a mobile platform?

With the recent discussions taking place regarding the future of Nokia and MeeGo I've been thinking about a possible direction that Nokia and Intel can take which would ultimately see them catching...
Forum: Nokia N900 2011-02-04, 00:38
Replies: 33
Views: 15,758
Posted By Rav
Re: Java question


I've got Java environment working and have downloaded JDownloader successfully, it appears to be quite responsive once it's initially loaded!!

However I have two issues main issues:

Forum: Development 2009-10-23, 18:00
Replies: 18
Views: 6,893
Posted By Rav
Re: Please help - New to Maemo development


Nice to meet another CF developer!!

Thanks for your excellent detailed and concise response, really appreciate it. I don’t know why but I am leaning towards using C++, probably from a...
Forum: Development 2009-10-19, 21:17
Replies: 18
Views: 6,893
Posted By Rav
Re: Please help - New to Maemo development

Thank you all for your various responses, it’s very much appreciated.

The virtual machine running Linux is fantastic – thanks for your work on this Nathan. I have yet to do anything constructive...
Forum: Development 2009-10-16, 23:02
Replies: 18
Views: 6,893
Posted By Rav
Re: Please help - New to Maemo development

Sorry I didn't understand your reply??
Forum: Development 2009-10-16, 22:45
Replies: 18
Views: 6,893
Posted By Rav
Please help - New to Maemo development


This is my first post on the forum! I want to start developing on the Maemo platform but am having a hard time to know where to start.

A little about my background to put things into...
Showing results 1 to 22 of 22

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