Forum: Applications
2015-09-24, 18:44
Replies: 421
Views: 166,111
Re: [Announce] [N900,N950,N9] Xbmcremote
Yes, I installed from openrepos. This is all I see launching from cli:
nemo@Jolla ~]$ /usr/bin/harbour-kodimote
[D] main:51 - got language: "en"
[D] main:55 - "couldn't load qt_en"
Forum: Applications
2015-09-21, 17:50
Replies: 421
Views: 166,111
Forum: Applications
2015-09-17, 19:03
Replies: 66
Views: 27,808
Forum: Applications
2015-09-17, 17:03
Replies: 66
Views: 27,808
Re: FlowPlayer for Sailfish OS
I've upgraded to 0.1-7 and I see a white screen when I open flow player.
This time launching from the cli shows:
flowplayer.qml:6:1: module "com,jolla.mediaplayer" is not installed
Forum: Applications
2015-09-15, 20:07
Replies: 66
Views: 27,808
Re: FlowPlayer for Sailfish OS
I'm still having issues when updating the collection, tracker seems to start to index files (not sure why since cepi said flow player doesn't use it) and the phone is very sluggish.
All my music...
Forum: Applications
2015-09-14, 22:17
Replies: 421
Views: 166,111
Re: [Announce] [N900,N950,N9] Xbmcremote
Thanks for the answer. I checked the code and saw what you mean, so it seems the stock video icon doesn't have the same size as the others. Other than that I didn't had any issues with the app and...
Forum: Applications
2015-09-12, 23:50
Replies: 421
Views: 166,111
Re: [Announce] [N900,N950,N9] Xbmcremote
[I've already commented this in the openrepos app page, but in case you haven't read it I'm posting here, sorry for the possible noise.]
I've upgraded to sailfish 1.1.9 pre-release and the...
Forum: SailfishOS
2015-09-11, 11:49
Replies: 670
Views: 145,997
Forum: SailfishOS
2015-09-11, 11:22
Replies: 670
Views: 145,997
Forum: Applications
2015-09-09, 19:37
Replies: 66
Views: 27,808
Re: FlowPlayer for Sailfish OS
Hi Cepi,
I've upgraded to sailfish 2.0 and flowplayer starts with a white screen. This is all I see launching the app from a terminal:
[nemo@Jolla ~]$ /usr/bin/flowplayer
[D] main:43 - Getting...
Forum: Applications
2015-08-21, 15:25
Replies: 66
Views: 27,808
Re: FlowPlayer for Sailfish OS
Oh, thanks. I thought it used tracker, because when I launch a scan with flowplayer tracker-process kicks in and makes the phone slow and eats a chunk of battery.
Forum: Applications
2015-08-21, 06:43
Replies: 66
Views: 27,808
Re: FlowPlayer for Sailfish OS
One question, if tracker uses inotify to update the tracker store when a new file is created (as it seems to be for the default music player), can't you just query tracker for all tracks in the...
Forum: Applications
2015-08-19, 10:19
Replies: 66
Views: 27,808
Re: FlowPlayer for Sailfish OS
Hi again,
Some issues I've noticed now that I've ditched the official player in favour of yours:
- The artists cover art is always downloaded even if it already exists. I've noticed because I...
Forum: Applications
2015-08-18, 13:23
Replies: 66
Views: 27,808
Re: FlowPlayer for Sailfish OS
Great app! specially considering jolla doesn't add any new feature to the default media player.
Can you add lastfm scrobbler support?
Also, does the app re-scan for new media on start or...
Forum: SailfishOS
2015-02-21, 23:05
Replies: 327
Views: 82,726
Re: SailfishOS Update11 discussions
Any ideas on how can android apps access the sdcard now? I have all my media in the sdcard and now my android apps cannot access it, I've tried to create a symlink in home and rebooted but that...
Forum: Applications
2015-01-30, 07:18
Replies: 421
Views: 166,111
Re: [Announce] [N900,N950,N9] Xbmcremote
I've just installed kodimote 2.0.0. and I've noticed a bug in the settings page, there's an option below Pause video in phone call options that seems to be unreachable, even scrolling the...
Forum: Applications
2014-10-14, 22:50
Replies: 1,998
Views: 561,978
Forum: Applications
2014-08-15, 18:56
Replies: 1,998
Views: 561,978
Forum: Applications
2014-08-15, 17:35
Replies: 1,998
Views: 561,978
Forum: Applications
2014-08-15, 16:40
Replies: 1,998
Views: 561,978
Forum: Applications
2014-08-15, 15:41
Replies: 1,998
Views: 561,978
Forum: Applications
2014-08-05, 08:55
Replies: 421
Views: 166,111
Re: [Announce] [N900,N950,N9] Xbmcremote
I've modified the file and it seems to be working. Thanks!
I've found another bug: When in movie or audio library in any of the subitems (album artists, etc) if you start typing to search, the...
Forum: Applications
2014-07-17, 17:33
Replies: 1,998
Views: 561,978
Forum: Applications
2014-07-16, 21:00
Replies: 1,998
Views: 561,978
Forum: SailfishOS
2014-07-16, 19:30
Replies: 94
Views: 33,928